dimanche 7 février 2016

AT Thru hike planned for 2022

I'm planning a thru hike of the AT for 2022. It's right about the time I retire from active duty. I'm just now starting to prep for it. I have never done any hikes over 20 miles, and that was a day hike. A few things to consider:

I have read that the ultra light folks will carry 5-10 lbs of stuff. The heavier end is 25-30. I'm gonna shoot for 20.

I am not sure of gun laws etc, but I know many national parks don't allow firearms. I was thinking I should probably have something just in case. Thoughts?

Food will obviously be the heaviest off my gear.

Water purifying tablets or filter? recommendations?

They say phones usually die early on and there's not really any way to charge, or it's a PITA. While it has pro's and cons, a cell phone is a great thing to have in an emergency. Has anyone ever been able to keep their phone consistently charged?

I figure I'll carry a fire steel but also have some waterproof matches and a lighter.

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AT Thru hike planned for 2022

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