mardi 5 mars 2019

Big Church, small church. Which do you like?

I have noticed many who go to small Churches (50-150 people) are usually critical of large Churches. They call them Mega Churches, out of touch, money-oriented, impersonal etc.

People in large churches (500-3000 plus) don't seem to have an opinion or it's simply not on the radar screen for them.

Personally, I don't think it's a good/bad, wrong/right but rather personal preference.

I attended a very large Church last weekend at the request of their pastor who is friends with mine. I wanted to see how they do things compared to ours and hopefully, learn a few things. They are 20K members in numerous locations. I was thoroughly impressed with their worship and the extremely high quality of the message.

What are your thoughts...??

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Big Church, small church. Which do you like?

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