mardi 5 mars 2019

I1639 gun rules


Our AG is a traitor,and I do believe him and our governor [WHO IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT] are LOVER,s,The AG and the gov have pushed every anti 2nd restriction they can with more on the way, Our AG has filed more lawsuit,s against president TRUMP then any other state, AVERAGE blue collar workers cant even afford to live anywhere near seattle. Seattle police dept have to offer signing bonus, to get enough people to become cop,s here. tHE homeless have taken over just about every major city in the state and are moving out into the suburb,s soon as the weather gets better they will be setting up camps {BLUE TARPS] out in the forest and parks. When this state [FAIL,s] and it will The homeless creatin,s will be the winner,s, If it sounds like I dont care about the homeless you are RIGHT I dont, They were offered min wage $15.00 an hour to help clean up their filthy camps and not{}1] took up the offer they just moved to another spot Drug addict,s our state give safe places to shoot up and free needles, {let them die] They made the choice to do drugs, let them suffer the outcome. JMO

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I1639 gun rules

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