jeudi 7 mars 2019

Manafort only gets 4 years less 1 for time served

Another blow to the Mueller farce investigation into "Russia Collusion."

Totally unrelated to anything to do with "Russian Collusion" Mueller prosecuted Paul Manafort for ancient tax evasion and loan fraud crimes. Mueller filed an 800 page sentencing request asking for 19-24 years jail sentence. As a lawyer I can tell you that is outrageous and absurd.

The judge seemed to agree. He gave Mueller 4 years and credit for nearly a year served. Mueller will be out in about 3 years or less. What a massive boondoggle waste of taxpayer money and time. Mueller has wasted 2 years and over $30,000,000 seeking revenge against Trump digging for "Russia Collusion" and has not yet prosecuted or even indicted anyone having anything to do with that claim.

Meanwhile, of course, open and notorious rampant obvious crimes happened all over the Obama admin and Clinton cartel for which nobody has even been indicted for. Long list of obvious election interference but Mueller can't seem to be bothered with in when decades old tax evasion is at hand....

Ironic that Mueller claims Manafort denied the government of a few million dollars in tax fraud, yet Mueller has WASTED tens of millions on this nonsense.

What a crock.
The Navy fighter pilot judge who shot down Mueller
by Caitlin Yilek
| March 07, 2019

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Manafort only gets 4 years less 1 for time served

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