mercredi 1 avril 2015

Father of four killed in road rage shooting


PASADENA, Texas — A father of four was fatally shot at his home after a minor traffic altercation turned into a case of road rage, Pasadena Police said.

Julie Brock said her husband's truck narrowly missed a car and the other driver was outraged.

Another reminder of why you should always be prepared to defend yourself. People flip out of complete accidents even when no one gets hurt, and that guy who flipped out because you changed lines just a little too close to him for his liking, or stopped too suddenly, or just plain accidentally caused a fender bender.

This guy got followed home for a near accident that didn't hurt anyone in any way and got attacked in his driveway. He won the fist fight, so the rager just went and got his buddy who had a gun, they kicked in the door, shot the guy, and walked off.

This was hardly a surprise attack the 2nd time and had the man owned a gun it would have been ridiculously easy to simply point it at the door and pull the trigger when they kicked it. But not having anything but his fists to defend himself with both against the surprise threat and then the 2nd attack that had plenty of warning, it didn't matter how bad ass of a fighter he was, he's now dead.

I had a similar incident a few years back when I stopped suddenly to avoid hitting a bunch of deer crossing the road. The car way behind me wasn't paying any attention and almost rear-ended me. They then tried to follow me home but I realized I was being followed and didn't stop at my house. Once they realized I was leading them in circles it triggered a chase where they pushed my car off of the road and tried to block me in a few times.

I had my wife and baby in the car. She called 911, the cops didn't care whatsoever and wouldn't do anything about it. Dispatcher directed us to the sheriff's office and they refused to even take a report (and started questioning and accusing us because we had clearly done something illegal to deserve the attack). Had I not realized I was being followed or they had successfully disabled my car, I was completely unarmed at the time and would have likely been killed regardless of how good of a fight I put up as I went down. I just got lucky that my driving was good enough to escape. Regardless we were waiting for a few days for them to recognize our car in the driveway and decide to come kick in the door.

After that I started carrying a weapon in the car and had a rifle for the house. This saved my life a few years later when a stalker with a machete and a gas can attacked and was repelled when he got there and I was sitting behind the door with a rifle pointed at him.

I end up nagging my wife a bit because sometimes she leaves her gun at home, but this kind of thing is precisely why it's so important. Because even if it hasn't happened to you yet, it's not an uncommon occurrence at all.

Father of four killed in road rage shooting

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