jeudi 30 avril 2015

Like Others Here, I Now Have My Own SHTF To Deal With

Yep, me, The Old Goat and I have decided to part company. So far, it's amicable, we're discussing finances, etc. I'm not asking for anything, i'm not that type of person.

I will not be going into detail but suffice to say we have differences of opinions and can't get past them. He's been hoping and demanding I change and I refuse to. He knew what kind a person I was for 9 years before he married me, we'll have been married 3 years the end of this month, but he was secretly hoping that once we married he could get me to do what he wanted and when I didn't he started getting angry to the point of screaming and yelling at me. I've had enough and told him to go take a flying leap into you know where.

So far he's being good about it but we'll see how long that lasts. Anyway, that's what's a going on at the moment. I've been up all night and not sleeping as usual, just felt like getting this off my chest. Thought it might make me feel better.

Like Others Here, I Now Have My Own SHTF To Deal With

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