mercredi 24 juillet 2019

Get fresh green food when the store is shut down

I first started sprouting several months ago. it has slowed down since my garden came on line. Will probably restart after garden slows.

Dont buy expensive kits. I use a colander and bowl set that came together and place a clean small towel over it after rinsing. For the smaller seeds I use a fine stainless strainer and bowl. I love alfalfa sprouts on my sandwiches.

Other side once sprouted.

Once sprouted you can dry them as well for extended use. Soy beans work great for that.

Unprocessed... many seeds will break teeth. Sprouted then dried and seasoned many seeds become crunchy snacks.

I have also read where ... OTOMH.... Many seeds once germinated but before plumule (green parts) is visible (also when some bitterness will start in various varieties) their vitamin chemistry can improve beyond what the cotyledon (main body) has stored. These can be dried, ground and turned into flour that is different than direct seed to flour. This peaked my interest as several had reduced carb counts per same volume of flour post germinated. Those with diabetic issues.

Each seed was different in how it changed, some had important losses, some had no loss with gains.

I am sorry I dont recall whether this was from a PDF or hard copy I have for future use. Really doesn't help if I cant find it ... I know....

It was discovered when I was researching sprouts last winter for a start.

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Get fresh green food when the store is shut down

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