jeudi 30 avril 2020

Protect Your Rights!

We just recently found out here in Canada that our federal government - in the middle of all the uncertainty and chaos right now - is taking action to ban several firearms.

They are doing this by an "Order in Council" which would be similar to an Executive Order in the US.

The rumor is that they are banning the AR15, SKS, 10/22, M1A/M14 variants, Robinson Arms XCR (which is super popular in Canada), Mini 14, Mini 30, Storm CX4, and several other rifles.

This is what happens when you don't guard your rights. This is what happens when you don't speak up. This is what happens when you don't support organizations that speak up for your firearm ownership rights. This is what happens when hunters say "They're not coming for my guns, so it doesn't bother me." This is what happens when trap and skeet shooters say "They're not coming for my guns, so it doesn't bother me."

This is what happens when you give an inch. This is what happens when you compromise.

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Protect Your Rights!

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