mercredi 29 avril 2020

Stopping Mass Shooters

In the right hands guns are very good and very effective for stopping bad people and I believe it is our duty as people in the gun community to show the rest of the world just how good and effective they are for that. Its only a matter of time before we have another mass shooting in the USA, there was one just recently in Canada, and when the next mass shooting does happen in the USA I hope there is a good person there with a gun to stop it. The difference between the USA and Canada is that in Canada good people can't carry guns(not unless they've got a specific job such as being a police officer that involves carrying guns) and in the USA sometimes good people can carry guns, depending on the time and place.

The most recent example of a good person with a gun stopping a bad person was when Stephen Willeford stopped the Southerland Springs shooter in Southerland Springs, TX. Willeford used an AR-15 semi automatic rifle against the shooter who was also armed with a semi automatic rifle which was AR variant.

Now if I was going up against a shooter with an AR rifle I would want a similar weapon myself. I've started threads before where I've compared handguns to long guns and much of what I base my comparisons on is how realistic it would be to have whatever kinds of weapons are being compared accessible when trouble rears its ugly head. A handgun you can carry around with you, concealed if necessary, whereas with a long gun while it can be carried around its larger, heavier, and much more likely to attract unwanted attention. As I said if I was going up against a shooter with an AR rifle I would want an AR rifle too but in all reality you're probably not going to be carrying an AR rifle but you can carry a handgun.

I don't know the specific details, I don't know how Willeford was able to get to his rifle during the shootout but the fact is you might not have a choice but to take on a rifle shooter with only a handgun. Its not a matter of what you would prefer its a matter of what you have available. Are you going to go into a mall, church, or other public building or area with an AR rifle? That being said a handgun might be the only option available for confronting a mass shooter who could be armed with a shotgun or rifle and thus you might have to take on a shooter armed with a rifle or shotgun with only a handgun. This is where I believe skill comes into play big time.

I think that what's more important than what kind of weapon you've got is how skilled you are with it. With enough skill I believe a good person with a handgun can take out a shooter whose got a rifle or shotgun. I do know Willeford was highly skilled having been an NRA firearms instructor. Again I don't know the details about how Willeford was able to use a rifle instead of just a handgun but Im glad he had the best option available. But as I said I believe its skill that's most important of all. So whatever kind of gun you've got, rifle, shotgun, handgun, I encourage you all to get good training and develop good skill.

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Stopping Mass Shooters

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