mardi 23 décembre 2014

New Years Resolution Thread!

So, the new years is soon and I have some changes I'll be making in my life. Some can be called "resolutions" but others are just one time goals. I, personally enjoy having people to talk to about my goals, and keep me motivated. I'd like to offer an open invitation to all the folks here on the board. If you have resolutions or goals this year, and feel you'd benefit from some friends keeping you motivated, join me!

If anyone's interested I'll start a group on the board.

For ease of communication, definitions.

Resolutions are a continuing thing; something that ends, if you want it to as of January 1st 2016. Example: "Work out everyday!"

Goals are accomplishments that, if you feel you've reached a personally acceptable. IE "Get a six pack!"

I just turned 20 a few days ago, I'm working at Starbucks,a pretty great employer, I live with family but I pay a good amount of rent. It's a hefty piece of my paycheck but foods taken care of as well. I cannot move out, because of the cost of living in my area. I'm focusing on my finances before I make the "Next move." My love is psychology, an

My Goals Are:

Get a drivers license.

Take at least three free online classes through Coursea or other similar programs

Get a Second Job. (This is a maybe depending on my companies raise)

Get a fishing pole.

Take A Micro Facial Expression Class via Ekmann international.

Learn Basic Spanish.

Make a Bike Cart.

Make an Emergency kit for my bike.

Sell a few things.

Maybe more we'll see!


Put 5-10% of my paycheck into silver.

Write 500 words a day.

For every night out, I'll put 15% of the amount of money I spend into savings

Go pier fishing once a week.

Do the 52 week money challenge.

Carry my EDC every day.

Collect 20 cans/bottles everyday I work and turn them once a month and save that money for the end of the year, I think I'll use it for my first handgun (have to be 21 in CA) for a trip,or for holiday gifts.

Carry a to do list

Again, maybe more!

Tricks I'll use to help along the way.

Keep a notebook which will double as my to do list, with my goals in my back pocket.

Keep a journal of my progress.

Hopefully I'll have someone else to help me out!

New Years Resolution Thread!

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