vendredi 26 décembre 2014

What IF Fact Based Reasons For Racism/Sexism?

This thread is motivated by the public reaction to recent shootings. The reluctance to study (read science) race or sex based differences for fear of being called a racist or sexist is at odds with the politics of our time. (NOTE: I am equating recognizing race sex based differences with racism and sexism).

For instance, I recall reading several articles on DNA studies that showed scientists detect no DNA evidence for what is typically referred to as race. CONCLUSION: RACE DOES NOT EXIST. Yet, at the same time (this was 2010), I read the Obama administration had increased the number of races one can identify with on the census than ever before. CONCLUSION: RACE EXISTS (IN REALITY) AND IS PROLIFERATING.

Another example is how so many feminists claim the only non-physical difference between boys and girls is how they are raised; socialization of gender, I believe was the theory. CONCLUSION: GENDER IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT. Yet, at the same time there are so many headlines about woman are victimized because they are woman lacking power. CONCLUSION: GENDER EXISTS (IN REALITY) DETERMINING LIKELIHOOD OF VICTIMIZATION. (It should be noted that despite the headlines, men are more likely to be robbed or shot).

The above paragraphs include contradictory conclusions. Here are some facts not contradicted that I know of. Women live longer than men. Men die at higher rates at every age group. In fact, most who study the subject believe even most miscarriages involve a male fetus. Blacks, though a minority in the US population, dominate major sports teams and prison populations. There are certain diseases that effect almost exclusively Jewish people and Black people.

I only recently learned about how Tay-Sachs disease affects only the Jewish. And this fact got me thinking about fact based reasons to be racist and sexist. I put this in the controversial news thread and realize there are many other facts that could be presented - or generated. By that, I mean, the census seems to be a way to generate fact based differences among the races. I suppose the is debatably in that category. But the life expectancy and propensity for certain diseases makes me conclude race based differences exist in reality and not merely political.

Now, I hope this thread does not deteriorate into hateful trolling. I wonder if the political opposition to racism and sexism extends to do a disservice to dealing with the fact based differences among the races, men and women. It discourages research on why men die younger than women. It causes DNA scientists to make the outrageous statement that race does not exist because they cannot find it in the DNA while simultaneously admitting the characteristic physical traits through generations. Thoughts?

What IF Fact Based Reasons For Racism/Sexism?

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