mercredi 25 mars 2015

I may be a fatalist but.....

I predict within 50 years this country will be a socialistic gunless European country. Don't get me wrong. I'm old and had a good life and still willing to fight to the death to protect our Constitution, freedoms and liberties.

But this younger generation just flat don't give a ****. If it ain't on their smart phone it ain't happening. I've watched news commentators visit college campuses and ask questions. It's flat scary.

"How many stars on the flag over there?" (American Flag) "UH, it's too far away to count".

"Who did we fight in the Revolutionary War?" "UH, Vietnam"

I ain't kidding. These are college kids and seems they would slit their own throats before offending anyone.

I hope they enjoy their "new" country. Thank God I will be long gone.

My the draft. Better yet, mandatory service between high school and college and learn what it took to make this country FREE!!

I may be a fatalist but.....

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