samedi 28 mars 2015

It is time to leave the US!!!

It is time to leave the US!!!

I am posting a thread that I know will be very controversial and I do hope that the moderators of this forum will permit it because it is the truth however unpleasant. I am addressing a threat that many in the survivalist or prepper movement simply did not consider as a factor when making the decision to be ready should “the end of the world as we know it” (TEOTWAWKI) occur.

I want to first take the time to address this community and express my admiration for your courage and single mindedness to be ready and survive the possibility of TEOTWAWKI. Many of you have had to deal with the ridicule of family and friends who would be the first ones to knock on your door for help when they discover that they are not ready for TEOTWAWKI. In reading many posts I want to tell the community to remove the words “if TEOTWAWKI happens” and change it to when, because it will definitely happen in 2015!!

There are many scenarios that can lead to TEOTWAWKI, a pandemic, sever weather, earthquakes, a financial collapse, a nuclear exchange and others, but what many never did envision was a government that was not only hostile but is bent on your death and destruction!!

TEOTWAWKI has already occurred in the legal arena when President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in 2012. The NDAA as signed by Obama allows for the military to conduct secrete kidnapping, indefinite detention, interrogation, torture and execution of American citizens. Someone that the White house decides that they wish to remove from society will simply disappear!!

You may argue that this measure is to be used to deal with terrorists. Who will decide who are terrorists? (Open sources have confirmed that preppers are to be considered terrorists by the military!)

The NDAA abolishes the bill of rights, hey preppers that means you do not now have the right to bear arms!! This law is on the books and they will enforce it when they decide to do so.

"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."

~ Thomas Paine, A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government, 1795

What this means is that eventually the government will come for you. Although this is an important legal issue and foundational to society there are even more pressing issues that you must deal with and that is saving the lives of you and your family.

I want to present to you more information from open or public sources that will allow you to connect the dots by yourself. You can look up the Georgian Guide Stones and the first principle that is written states that they wish to reduce the world's population to 500,000,000 in harmony with the environment.

Ted Turner and others have stated that the world's population should be reduced to 300 million, this is roughly a reduction of 95% if we agree that the global population has reached 7 billion (according the US Census Bureau) Do you think that this reduction in the population is going to be voluntary?!?

This a public objective of the New World Order (NWO) or Ted Turner and his friends. The term NWO has fallen in use after a group of professional wrestlers decided to use it to promote their group. I will use NWO to describe what others call a global elite or the shadow government in the US. If you understand this policy objective then many issues in the US start to make sense.

It answers why individuals are not permitted to grow their own food on their own land, why people are not allowed to collect rain water on their own property and those who have were thrown into jail.

The signing of the National Defense Resources Preparedness executive order gives the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Labor, the Department of Defense and other agencies complete control of all US resources.

As of March 16, 2012, your land, your food, your water and your abilities as a laborer are now a wholly owned subsidiary of the United States government at any time they choose to initiate the provisions of this order, which according to the order itself, can be during an emergency or a non-emergency.

This means that the emergency food that you have stockpiled to feed your family can be seized by the government to do with what they please and desire. They will take your food and allow you to starve because it is part of the plan!!

Let us consider these facts. If the US government was benevolent toward the population they would store food to feed the masses during a crisis and civil unrest due to food shortages. They would also have a replacement currency backed by gold to replace the current dollar when it will fail and allow the economy to stabilize.

What the government has done instead, is to order billion of rounds of ammunition (the military used only 70 million in one year during an active conflict in middle east). The government has built hundreds of FEMA camps all over the US (please do not argue with me that they do not exist). These are signs of a government that has a malicious or evil intent toward you just because you happen to live. They regard you as a useless consumer of precious commodities and a sincere statement that you will faithfully recycle will not grant you your freedom out of a FEMA camp. The NWO's agenda also makes clear why the police forces in the US have become militarized.

Many countries in the past have used concentration camps most notably the Nazi Government in Germany during World War 2, but other governments have also done this with the same tragic result in the end. What is essential and common to all these previous governments is the mind set or a belief that somehow society must undergo a dramatic social engineering change for the betterment of those who hold power. It is an unhappy fact that the greatest perpetrators of mass killings have not been individuals but governments, that held power over a population, with the desire to remake their society through force. They also would instill fear into the rest of the population to maintain power and control.

You may still say why leave the US? The NWO's plans are now too entrenched and established that any attempt politically to stop them is due to fail. There has also been a recent purge of the senior military officers that could have stopped this administration. Many have resigned and left the US already. Many senior government officials, including those in the intelligence and alphabet agencies has also left the US and have sought shelter in South America. Many senior bankers have also left their jobs and have entered secure bunkers to prepare for TEOTWAWKI. They know what is coming!!

It is an old adage that when you see the rats leaving the sinking ship it is time to enter the lifeboats. The good ship the American Dream is sinking and it is time to leave.

Prior to World War 2 many Jews saw the policies of Hitler and did not like them. This group of Jews (I will call the wise Jews) left Germany and resettled in other countries. They were not unpatriotic and many also returned to Germany after the Nazi government was militarily defeated. The foolish Jews ridiculed the wise ones and died in “FEMA Camps” in Germany. You will meet a similar fate if you choose to remain in the US!!

It is my understanding that the total collapse of the US dollar will be in the last quarter of 2015. Some time between September and Christmas of 2015 the US dollar will die!! This will trigger TEOTWAWKI, when the US dollar dies it will create a horrific domino effect. First the oil companies are paralyzed this then will collapse the transportation grid and this in turn means that the trucks will not resupply the local supermarkets. Food shortages and yes famine will result, this is how TEOTWAWKI will begin. Know that the collapse of the US dollar is by deliberate design and not gross mismanagement!!:mad::mad::mad:

I have no knowledge of any planned pandemics and can only speculate on my part. (I have heard rumors of something that might occur in May but I can not substantiate it and I do not know what it is) I will not reveal at this time my sources of information. Just understand this, these this sources have never, never been wrong before!!

According to the timing I have presented, it means that you should start NOW with the plans to leave the US. Do as the wise Jews did and sell your real estate(even at a less desirable price) and ship your container to the destination of your choice. There are many countries that will allow entry to a US citizen and also allow you your firearms. You have I believe until August of 2015 to resettle and establish your self in a new country.

Know that the US dollar will allow you now to leverage your assets to gain a decent standard of living. Even if you are economically challenged finding employment as an English teacher is preferable to remaining in the US. Remember to convert your US dollars into hard assets or gold and silver and be able to live independently.

It is also my advice that you do not chose Canada or Mexico due to the close proximity to the US.

To those who will stay. Know that the alphabet agencies have you on a list. They know more about you than they should and they do abuse this information regularly. Many preppers have reasonably armed themselves because during a breakdown of society they wish to protect their family and possessions from looters and other thieves. You simply will not match the firepower that the government can bring against you when they so decide. They likely know how many #10 cans of Mountain House you have purchased and they will come and visit you.

Please do not play the patriot card with me by questioning my motives. I simply wish to save as many of your lives as possible. If you choose to stay and fight, they will pick you off in piecemeal fashion. There is no alternative national leader to rally around. In most militia groups, government agents have come and infiltrated them. This is something that you can verify by open sources. We are past the point of no return and I know that this truth breaks the heart of true American patriots. :mad:

We are facing a government that will transition into a totalitarian state with the desire to literally kill most of the citizens because they think that this will be better for the environment and the betterment of all mankind. None of us ever really envisioned this scenario and we are not prepared to survive this one. Please leave the US without delay.

It is time to leave the US!!!

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