samedi 23 août 2014

Can a President not Prosecute a Declared War?

In the wake of the Isis beheading of American journalist James Foley, a question occurs to me....

What if Isis get so out of hand (with more kidnappings, beheadings, even terrorist acts on U.S. soil) that the Senate is "forced" to officially declare war on them.

Can a President not prosecute a war that the Senate has officially declared? What if he just does it half-heartedly (ie., not to win, and just enough to look like he's doing something; er... kinda like what he's doing now, without the hypothetically declared war)? Is there any way to force a President to perform his duties as Commander-in-Chief? Or is impeachment and removal the only way?

Can a President not Prosecute a Declared War?

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