lundi 31 août 2015

Reevaluating Practical Uses of Fireams: Opinions?

I enjoy firearms and prepping as much as most of you, and for a while I was pretty set on saving up for an AR-15, but I'm starting to reconsider not just buying an AR but buying any sort of combat rifle. While I would still love to own an AR for personal reasons, here is why:

1) In any sort of SHTF scenario where the government is still around, carrying around a gun in public (especially a long gun) will probably be discouraged or even made illegal under martial law. Law enforcement or the National Guard might very well confiscate firearms, or arrest people for carrying them. If things get bad and people are hungry, I really can't see official peace keepers being OK with civilians carrying weapons in public. If I'm staying home, then a shotgun seems like a logical choice. This kind of relates to another dilemma, that I live in a densely populated area and don't have a solid BOL nearby. I would feel much safer inside my house (that has a well) where I can hide than I would camping in the mountains, where I would basically be a sitting duck inside my tent.

2) If the above scenario doesn't apply, I'm concerned that something like an AR would be so desirable and stand out so much that it would make me a target. An AR is only of use to me if I can avoid being shot in the first place, and people who want what's not theirs will probably plan to go unseen until it's too late. Having a large group or defensible structure would help with this, but that's something I won't have if I go anywhere.

3) If I'm on the move, then what I can carry is very limited, and if I'm on foot, then I can only carry one long gun. This limitation is compounded by ammo. If I'm driving somewhere and living out of my BOV, then I can have a few, but if gas stations are open, scenario 1 is probably in effect. Is 223 a good compromise between hunting and defense? I'm hesitant to rely on a shotgun simply because ammo is so bulky, and a scoped gun seems limiting when fast target acquisition is necessary, so maybe my 30-30 lever gun would be a good choice? Should I call a handgun and a shotgun good enough and just focus on other preps? I'll admit, firearms are a bit of a hobby of mine, so I probably spend more time thinking about them than would seem logical :rolleyes:

I'm sorry if this has been brought up before, but I'm really not sure what to think about all of it. I definitely need to come up with some sort of emergency plan that doesn't involve driving 800 miles to my nearest relative's house, or driving as far as I need to and finding a motel, but I just don't feel safe disappearing into the woods when plenty of other armed people will probably be doing just that. If I had to bail out, I would probably drive as far as I could and try to find a hotel or camp. If it's TEOTWAWKI, and staying put wasn't an option, then I still honestly don't know what my best option is. Am I just screwed if I have to bail out and don't have a large group? What would you do in my situation?

Reevaluating Practical Uses of Fireams: Opinions?

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