dimanche 30 août 2015

We need another peeing match!

The quickest and surest way to start a word feud is to discuss race, religion or politics in any group. It is not my intention to start a feud but would enjoy a opinion based civil discussion among my friends here. Can't remember due to senility which great patriot said the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots from time to time. Sounds wise and makes sense to me. With that said I don't believe our country is totally able and/or committed enough to fight a combat operation like the country of Israel has since the late 40's.

Using politics and religion as your theme am I wrong? I had the privilege to serve with members of the Israel Defense military forces and civilian forces. I had the honor to train with these forces since my military time and civilian forces since my military service as a LEO. It must be established that full time and part time militia service in Israel is two separate entities. It is Israel's position that giving up a square inch of land is akin to treason. Our great country has given up other nations land since 1816. Do we have what is needed to stop that and actually fight a combat operation for survival??

We need another peeing match!

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