lundi 31 août 2015

You really like Fox news?

As a regular patriotic, Constitution loving American is it asking too much to have a real, un-bias news source?

I've tried watching msnbc, cnn, etc. simply in an attempt to listen to the other side. However, their spin on things drives me friggin' insane.

Over the last couple of years I watch Fox less and less. They repeat the same message and the rest of the time they're talking over each other while being "Fair and Balanced".

Tonight was probably the last straw. I woke up from a little nap and O'Reilly was on. In his little monologue he was actually blaming Trump because the only thing the media is talking about is Trump. HUH:confused: The media is blaming the media because Trump is dominating everyone's air time. O' tool....if you really believe that and think it's a problem then why are you spending another segment talking about Trump????? His point was that Trump was actually helping the democrats because everyone is spending their time talking about what Trump is saying/doing instead of talking about how bad Obama has done.

You really like Fox news?

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