vendredi 20 décembre 2019

Smoking age 21?

I'm not someone who's in favor of smoking, but this seems a little weird. Seems like kind of a big thing to yank away from people so suddenly, and without really any warning.

I know this wasn't an election issue, and the conspiracy theory machine is starting to spin up in my brain.

Any thoughts?

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Smoking age 21?

Christianity Today denounces Trump

Saw on online Politico news and on CBS Morning News a short time ago that
"Christianity Today", originally of Trump's base, denounced the president as being immoral, among other things. Trump tweeted about this.

"Christianity Today" was founded by Billy Graham, but his son, Franklin, denounces the magazine. Does "Christianity Today" have a legitimate Christian moral complaint or is President Trump, as probably thought by most of his base, to be one of the most honest and moral of all U.S. Presidents? The President's daughter said that the President was energized by the impeachment and was not mad but yet he seemed that way with the Pelosi letter. Is his base still as strong as before the Impeachment? And will the " Christianity Today" affect the base? Or is "Christianity Today" just a liberal rag and part of the democrat party?

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Christianity Today denounces Trump

mercredi 11 décembre 2019

old school C.B. whip ant.

Saw one on a jeep yesterday,forgot all about them.
I think they were usually 102 inches,mounted on the back bumper,then bent forward to a clip on the top of the windshield.Didn't notice if it had the tennis ball on it.

That song "Convoy" has been going thru my head ever since.

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old school C.B. whip ant.

honest question(for research)

Default honest question(for research)

I have searched extensively. I can find no(zero) record of Mr. Trump(now President Trump) verbally attacking someone that did not attack, malign, disparage etc. him or his family first? Anyone? I am at a loss?

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honest question(for research)

vendredi 29 novembre 2019

Black Friday is the Perfect Time for Truck Shopping

While many shoppers hit the streets early on Black Friday looking for deals on small ticket items like electronics and clothes, some savvy shoppers are in search of deals on bigger ticket items, like a new truck. New vehicles are an often overlooked Black Friday shopping item, but there are absolutely deals to be had[.....]

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Black Friday is the Perfect Time for Truck Shopping

Beretta M9A1 9mm Handgun from $475


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Beretta M9A1 9mm Handgun from $475

jeudi 21 novembre 2019

Trucker's Friend: Valuable multitool or Tacticool garbage?


You didn’t include a picture but if it is the one I found called “trucker’s friend” to me it looks like a bad joke.
I am somewhat confused as to why it would be considered a “trucker’s friend”, I was expecting it to be a tire bat or something at least slightly useful to a driver.
This? Not so much.

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Trucker's Friend: Valuable multitool or Tacticool garbage?

Resetting the modem and router

We have ours on a power strip and shut them off at night. My wife thought it would help the kids sleep better but I thought she was loco. Then I started sleeping better so I'm all about turning off the radios now.

It does no harm to the equipment.

Sent from my SM-J737P using Tapatalk

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Resetting the modem and router

jeudi 14 novembre 2019

Browning Hi Power

Ive owned a number of them over the years, and they all fed pretty much anything I put in them.

I think the FM's are likely the strongest versions, but a little coarse in fit and finish, and more utilitarian in comparison to the others. Mine were accurate and reliable. The FM mags wouldnt fit in my Brownings or Inglis, but their mags would work fine in the FM.

While I had one, I was never really a fan of the "tangent" Inglis guns, and preferred the ones with the standard sights. I was never a fan of the stocks on them either.

I also prefer the standard type hammer over the "ring" versions.

Not a fan of the mag safety either, but it is what it is.

I still think the HP's have about the best feeling grips of any of the high cap guns. Its design is really something if you think about it, as its a steel-framed gun with added grips. Nothing else I can think of has that same feel.

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Browning Hi Power

Hello from PA


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Hello from PA

vendredi 8 novembre 2019

More Union Pension Plan Bailouts Proposed

These stupid ideas won't die! Yet another proposed bailout of a mis-managed Union pension plan has been proposed, the Miners' Pension Protection Act. According to the Heritage Foundation, union managed private sector pension plans are in a cumulative hole of $638 Billion, meaning workers were promised nearly $640 Billion more in benefits than the union funds have in projected assets. Much of the short-fall is in multi-empoyer funds.

The huge labor unions and large employers are almost solely to blame for this predicament. In the past 10 years, stocks have enjoyed an extended bull market which has boosted pension returns so that the average corporate fund was 87% funded at the end of 2018. Not so most union controlled multi-employer funds.

The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp (PBGC) is a Federal Government administered insurance fund that's supposed to guarantee pensions. There are separate funds for single employer and multi-employer pensions. The single employer fund is in good shape financially but the multi-employer fund is in horrible shape because large corporations, who fund pension insurance, were not make actuarily sound payments into the fund.

The solution is fairly simple:
1) Require huge corporations that have multi-employer pensions to make larger insurance premium payments into the multi-employer PBGC fund.
2) Require labor unions to calculate reasonable rates of return when assessing the funding level of their pensions and require companies to make adequate contirbutions to their pension plans.
3) Cut benefits to pensioners rather than tax hard-working taxpayers in order to make up the difference in promised pensions.

It is hugely important that taxpayers resist bailing out private pensions as a Federally managed bailout of private, union plans may lead to bailouts of public sector funds.

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More Union Pension Plan Bailouts Proposed

Self driving car kills pedestrian.

Interesting that the article only touched on the human backup driver in general. Wouldn't speak directly as to whether, in this specific case, the human either took over, or tried to take over, or even if he/she even saw the pedestrian (if not, was that person distracted, watching Netflix, or what). I'm sure the dead woman's family has an open lawsuit against Uber, and they can't/won't say anything that'd hurt their case, but you'd think that basic information would be in the police report...

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Self driving car kills pedestrian.

lundi 28 octobre 2019

New member

Hey everyone! My name is Indy and I'm located about 45 min east of Pittsburgh, PA. I love the outdoors.. hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, kayaking, etc. I'm a welder by profession. I have 4 very loyal dogs and if they don't like you, chances are... I won't either .

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Iran Missiles to Yemen and more Sanctions....

Netanyahu met with Mnuchin.... communicated precision missiles had been delivered to Yemen by Iran. Missiles claimed to be intended for Israel.

Mnuchin promises even more sanctions against Iran.

Many news outlets already report that Iran is in dire straits economically and predict they will increase in their attacks in number and severity until sanctions are relaxed. They are viewed as extremely desperate.

I personally wonder if Israel is posturing with the US.... letting us know that they will go on the offensive against Iran if this keeps up.

If the IDF directly attacks Iran.... SWHTF and the Middle East will Explode.

This could be the WW3 spark, especially if Russia swoops in to support Iran, going aggressive on Israel.


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Iran Missiles to Yemen and more Sanctions....

vendredi 11 octobre 2019

Marlinspsike Lanyard Knot Whisk Broom Tutorial

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Marlinspsike Lanyard Knot Whisk Broom Tutorial

Ammosexual pronouns, what are they?

So, Fredo Cuomo totally threw shade on Kamala Harris’s “pronouns” during an interview recently. Yes, it’s a leftist delusion but the whole concept is so utterly insane and nonsensical that it’s all hilarious..... so, let’s co-op it and have some fun on thier dime!?!

Say that I self-identify as an Ammosexual, because I’m not an alt-Left broken toy, what would my proper pronouns be? Think hive mind fascist groupthink like a typical leftist.....3, 2, 1....

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Ammosexual pronouns, what are they?

vendredi 13 septembre 2019

Taurus G3 $249, Taurus G2C $179, Ruger American $169, Heritage Rough Rider 16" $159, ATI GSG FireFly $151, Ruger 10/22 $199


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Taurus G3 $249, Taurus G2C $179, Ruger American $169, Heritage Rough Rider 16" $159, ATI GSG FireFly $151, Ruger 10/22 $199

Nope. No voter fraud here

Shockin I say.

Here is Iowa the State Sec of State is the chief voting officer. Actually a pretty good Conservative but I have noticed he carefully parses comments that legal VOTING is not a problem in Iowa.

I read this as voters are on the rolls and registered. BUT illegal/improper registration is rampant. Little to no bar to become registered. The dems no longer move bus loads of Chicago welfare trash from polling place to place as in the past.

NOW, apparently, they, well in advance, create mass "legends" for imaginary citizens who the register thru the established process. A couple phoney docs, and shazam you exists. Then the dems use their favorite fake absentee ballot, or send some random warm body t the poll you vote on this phoney registrations.

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Nope. No voter fraud here

vendredi 16 août 2019

You are distrusted bt your own govt.


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You are distrusted bt your own govt.

how does B.P.S. stay afloat


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how does B.P.S. stay afloat

mercredi 24 juillet 2019

RIP Rutger Hauer

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RIP Rutger Hauer
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Cutco kabar


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Cutco kabar

Lever Action 30-30 Rifles: Marlin 336 vs. Winchester 94

In this video, Paul Harrell takes a look at a pair of classic lever action rifles that have stood the test of time, chambered for a cartridge that has seen popularity and widespread use in three different centuries. We’re talking about the Winchester Model 1894 (94) and the Marlin Model 336, and the venerable 30-30[.....]

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Lever Action 30-30 Rifles: Marlin 336 vs. Winchester 94

Get fresh green food when the store is shut down

I first started sprouting several months ago. it has slowed down since my garden came on line. Will probably restart after garden slows.

Dont buy expensive kits. I use a colander and bowl set that came together and place a clean small towel over it after rinsing. For the smaller seeds I use a fine stainless strainer and bowl. I love alfalfa sprouts on my sandwiches.

Other side once sprouted.

Once sprouted you can dry them as well for extended use. Soy beans work great for that.

Unprocessed... many seeds will break teeth. Sprouted then dried and seasoned many seeds become crunchy snacks.

I have also read where ... OTOMH.... Many seeds once germinated but before plumule (green parts) is visible (also when some bitterness will start in various varieties) their vitamin chemistry can improve beyond what the cotyledon (main body) has stored. These can be dried, ground and turned into flour that is different than direct seed to flour. This peaked my interest as several had reduced carb counts per same volume of flour post germinated. Those with diabetic issues.

Each seed was different in how it changed, some had important losses, some had no loss with gains.

I am sorry I dont recall whether this was from a PDF or hard copy I have for future use. Really doesn't help if I cant find it ... I know....

It was discovered when I was researching sprouts last winter for a start.

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Get fresh green food when the store is shut down

mardi 23 juillet 2019

Safety Systems Creating Moral Hazards

You are SO far behind the times.

Football players have been told for years to keep their face up, and not use the helmet as a weapon. Maybe I was lucky to have decent coaches, but even in the ‘70’s I was never taught to use my helmet that way.

I coach football, we go out of our way to make sure the kids know and understand the proper way to tackle or block, and that means getting your head out of the way.

We use drills and terminology that Pete Carroll started talking about with the Seahawks 5 or 6 years ago, it’s rugby style tackling, shoulder contact. But we’d been using the technique for a lot longer than that.

You and the article are right...if the safety systems are abused, it’s a bad thing. But that happens because people are stupid.

Maybe if we took the football helmet away, things would be different. But I’m not sure they’d be better, nor safer.

Maybe if we took 4wd away, people would learn to drive, or stop trying to drive too fast, or when they shouldn’t drive at all. But I doubt it.

Maybe we should take away motorcycle helmets and leathers or armored riding gear too?

Meanwhile, we have really popular MMA where it’s OK to knock a guy out with an elbow or knee, and then do it again a few weeks later, and then we have football, where it is illegal to use your helmet to attack, where you actually HAVE A $400 helmet to protect you, and yet....people are worried about football?

It’s all propaganda.

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Safety Systems Creating Moral Hazards

3.1 Million People to lose Food Stamps

I know too many people abusing the system.

I don't know of any poor person buying soda vs. milk "Because it is cheaper". Food stamps is not their money anyway, it belongs to the taxpayer. A gallon of milk at my local grocery runs less than $2 a gallon, anyone can afford that. That is the cost of a 20 ounce soda at the checkout.

I knew one woman, young, very ignorant in nutrition. She lived across the hall from me, on a third floor. She used to fling the used diapers on the roof of the townhouse adjoining us. She had a baby of her own and then took in her sister's four children when the sister died.

She used to buy huge canisters of sweetened iced tea powder and feed that to the kids - I would hear them screaming and running around in the apartment from the sugar and caffeine - then she would beat them. She didn't understand the beverage choice was literally feeding bad behavior and something like milk would have been far more appropriate. Not to mention cheaper.

I think anyone on food stamps should have to attend mandatory nutrition classes 1x a year as long as they get the benefit. Some people literally do not understand garbage in, garbage out.

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3.1 Million People to lose Food Stamps

lundi 15 juillet 2019

Watch: The KA-BAR Story

This video tells the tale of Ka-Bar knives, in documentary style complete with actors and professional-quality production. The story really begins with a name any “knife guy” will recognize: Case. More than 30 cutlery operations connected to the Cases branch out over the span of a few decades. This dynasty begins with Job Case… One[.....]

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Watch: The KA-BAR Story

DemonRatz Squad on a Bagel at The Capitol Hill

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DemonRatz Squad on a Bagel at The Capitol Hill
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mardi 9 juillet 2019

Dutchsinse forecasting California earthquake by July 11th

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Dutchsinse forecasting California earthquake by July 11th
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Homemade yogurt

Read about making yogurt in dyhdrator. Tried wuth pkain Greek yogurt and kilk but not 100% successful. Used yourmet with milk better tesults but still get watery seperation on top or on outside edge.

Scald milk to 180*f cool at 115*f then add yourmet. Dyhdrator set to 110*f it swings 105 to 115. After 6 to 8 hrs done far as it will go. Even if leave for total 22 hrs. I use 2 cups of milk half package in each put in sterilized bottles tighten caps.

What can we do to make solid yogurt? Any help is welcomed.

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Homemade yogurt

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mercredi 3 juillet 2019

25-45 Sharpes

Anyone try this in an AR? Sounds like a great deer to smaller game cartridge.

It uses 223/556 as parent case, same bolt, and same magazine. Just necked up to 25 caliber with RCBS dies. Is flat shooting and has enough energy at 300 yards to kill a deer.

Sounds like it would be cheaper than a 6.5 Grendel or a 458 SOCOM for hunting .

Just wondering if anyone has actually used one to hunt with.

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25-45 Sharpes

Installing a Talon Grip on a Tac-14 Shotgun

Talon Grips out of Steamboat Springs, Colorado manufacturers die-cut adhesive grip panels for numerous firearms. Their grip overlays are made for more than 200 firearms including the most popular pistol models and several other applications. As you may know from reading here, the Remington Tac-14 shotgun based on the proven 870 is taking the market[.....]

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Installing a Talon Grip on a Tac-14 Shotgun

dimanche 16 juin 2019

Pepper Spray vs. Tracking Dogs

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Pepper Spray vs. Tracking Dogs
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[podcast] This Is A Disaster

Hi everyone! Thought this might be the place to find people that share our passion for disasters throughout history.

"This Is A Disaster" is a podcast about disasters and the music they make us listen to. We go on a journey through the history of disasters: Some man-made, some natural, some modern, some ancient, and all devastating. Each episode ends with our music recommendations based on the disaster discussed.

We'd love to hear your feedback, here or in the form of an iTunes/Apple Podcasts review!

iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher // Podbean

Website // Twitter // Instagram // Facebook

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[podcast] This Is A Disaster

mercredi 5 juin 2019

New Computer Worm

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New Computer Worm
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Trump Defends Semi Auto Firearms


Originally Posted by hoplite59 View Post


It actually is. It was the one he did with Piers Morgan.

He stated:

"[Trump] added: 'I don't like them [silencers]. No body's talked about the silencers very much, they did talk about the bump stocks and we had it banned and we're looking at that, I'm going to seriously look at it [a ban]."

You can hear him say it about 27 seconds

**** I will say, I thank him for the words about rifles (ar15's etc) to this windbag Morgan. We all know there is more than 1 reason to own a weapon. We need him [Trump] to defend the 2nd A and all weapons like this more.

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Trump Defends Semi Auto Firearms

lundi 20 mai 2019

The Owen Gun: Homespun Australian Firepower

In this video, Ian takes a peek at a crude-but-beloved weapon of war, the Australian Owen submachinegun. Here’s what he says about it in the video description: The [Owen] submachine gun is one of the ugliest SMGs ever designed, and yet also one of the most beloved by its users. The original basis for the[.....]

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The Owen Gun: Homespun Australian Firepower

The Enlightenment Arts of Prepping

John J. Woods Magnolia Outdoor Communications THE ENLIGHTENMENT ARTS OF PREPPING When Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were tapped by President Thomas Jefferson in 1804 to initiate an expedition to the far reaches of the western expanse of North America, they spent months prepping for the trip. Part of their planning and preparation included spending[.....]

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The Enlightenment Arts of Prepping

mercredi 15 mai 2019

Mosquito Assassins released in Houston.


Originally Posted by Glockpride View Post
When does this thing go outta control? How do we control the controllers?
What happens when these things unleash the zombie apocalypse?

You go screwing with nature and it’ll screw you back. Nothing happens in a vacuum or without consequences.

Normally I would agree, but these bugs are native to the Southern US according to the articles. They are just giving them a boost.

Either that, or I'm calling in another C130 skeeter airstrike like we had after Harvey. They flew 4 passes over my house ultra low, (sounded like they were going to hit the roof of the house), spraying NALED to knock down the mosquitoes. Didn't see and skeeters for almost a month after that.

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Mosquito Assassins released in Houston.

Star Wars, Ep 9: How Bad Will It Be?

In watching a few youtube video's reviewing Episode 7 & 8, I got to thinking. Especially about the character development of the Mary Sue of this third trilogy (TT) compared to Luke. For a refresher:


  1. Started off as a whiny teen.
  2. Agreed to work one more year for his uncle but wanted to change that agreement.
  3. Got his ass kicked by the sand people, needing to be rescued by Old Ben.
  4. Was about to get killed in the bar when Old Ben took out his laser sword and cut off the murderers arm.
  5. Was cocky about flying the ship but Old Ben was not ready to rely on an unproven commodity.
  6. Had to be rescued by Leia in getting trapped in prison break.
  7. Nearly killed by snake in dumpster.
  8. Was about to be blown out of the sky by Lord Vader, until a pirate went against his selfish character.
  1. Couldn't tell danger from the Abominable Snow Monster while his Tawn-Tawn could.
  2. Although he was able to escape from Abominable Snow Monster, he was about to die from exposure, when the pilate saved his ass for the 2nd time.
  3. Disregarded the direction of 2 Jedi Master's in trying to save his friends from Vader & the Emperor. Gets his hand cut off.
  4. Needs to be saved again by Leia.
  1. Needs an android, R2D2 to help defeat a ganster.
  2. Is literally getting electrocuted to death by the Emperor until his father comes to his sense and saves him.

By comparison, the Mary Sue has no character development, no flaws, no weaknesses. Perhaps it is Kylo who will evolve, being the Supreme Leader now. Franky, after the Last Straw (Jedi), I'm not sure where the story is going. So, what is your prediction of Episode 9?

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Star Wars, Ep 9: How Bad Will It Be?

mercredi 8 mai 2019

Parts of Christian Tradition that the West lost.

The West likes to think that they got it all. But the truth is it was severely depleted of Christian Tradition after the Schism of 1054 AD.

Let's show a few of these important parts of the Tradition.


The Second Council of Nicea, in 787 AD declared that the icons are as important as the written word in propagating the Faith. Hence the art of the icon already mature by that time begin to improve and systematize the Faith, codifying the images so that they can help propagating the Holy Spirit to so many people that did not know how to read.

The East begin to enhance the status of the Icons as a promoter of the religious truths and continues today to use this critical part of Tradition specifically after realizing that the written word, although self-contained in its power to deliver the message of God and to open the channels of the heart to the Holy Spirit, could be helped tremendously by the iconography as a whole, working in synergy with it. God already built the entire Creation in a visible way (He gave us eyes, didn't He?) but now the Icons will sacralize it for us and at the same time open our spiritual eyes towards the spiritual world.

The West under the Catholic Church demoted the icons from being equal in power to the word of the Scripture in the sense that they consider them more like expressions of art than of Faith. This was so much so that in fact they become expression of Art and were being appreciated more because of their artistic value than for their spiritual value. A whole industry related to who is the best painter and what style "looks" better has emerged and then of course the artist went from painting towards sculpture to give "another" dimension to this religious object. However, sculpture was not validated as Icon by the Second Council of Nicea.

The West under the Protestant Churches removed all the iconography and became essentially and for all purposes iconoclasts. The same thing that the Second Council of Nicea fought against. That is why they had to fill the Churches with music (not a bad thing in itself) but this music being freely composed and interpreted took various expressions with mixed degrees of success.

Today Iconography is still in high regard in the Orthodox Church, much less in the Catholic Church and non existent in the Protestant Church.


Fasting is clearly defined in the Bible: The prophets fast, the King fast, the people fast and even Jesus that went for 40 days (and nights) in a defiant fast that had the devil scratched his horns. So why this important part of the Tradition disappeared in the West?

Even the Catholic Church does not fast like the Ancient Church.

The Orthodox Church has 4 large fasting periods with mostly vegan style of fasting and every week of the year there is assigned one day or two with various levels of "difficulty".

I am not aware of fasting being of any importance in the Protestant Churches.

The institution of Monasticism

In the East from where this practice came as it was expressed by the Fathers of the Desert it is still flourishing and is considered a great part of Tradition in the mystical and practical way of expressing Faith and creating examples for the regular people still engage with the World. The Christian is not of the World as Jesus said but was bought from the World through Jesus sacrifice and it is now of God. However most of the Christians still live in the World but that is exactly the main reason they need live spiritual examples that resonate more with the message of Christ of renunciation than with the World. So monasteries and monks are something that is common in the Orthodox world. However, they are relatively free and do not have an "Order" or many "Orders" that have distinctive diverse rules or some kind of special brotherhood split from other "Orders".

In the West we see the introduction of the monasticism by Saint John Cassian in Marseilia and then in other places. However, after the Great Schism we see that the various Catholic Orders of Monks or Nuns start to split and fight with each other for attention from the Pontifical Chair vying resources and even power from each other. This is NOT the spirit of World renunciation but the opposite of it. In time things stabilized somewhat but already with the Split of the English Church and Protestant Churches we see a repudiation of the entire concept. Hence the amazing spiritual resources of monasticism are mostly lost in the Protestant World.

Monasticism of course is the institution that gave us so many beautiful and insightful writings that make our Faith so rich and protected at the same time from the spirit of the World.

These are just 3 parts of Tradition but there are others that I will discuss if I have time to show them.

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Parts of Christian Tradition that the West lost.

Hornady RAPiD Safe AR Rifle Gunlocker with RFID Touch Free Entry - $209.20 shipped


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Hornady RAPiD Safe AR Rifle Gunlocker with RFID Touch Free Entry - $209.20 shipped

lundi 29 avril 2019

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue's First Hijab-Wearing Model

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Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue's First Hijab-Wearing Model
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Safe Water Theory (v2)

My old thread became long and messy over time. Lots of digressions, late additions, and the occasional dispute.

It's time to update it and start fresh. You can peruse the old one if you like:

Let me start off with a few key points:
* This is a theory discussion thread, not a gear discussion thread.
* This thread does not cover distillation.
* Your urge to talk about those first two points doesn't negate the fact this isn't the place for them. Find somewhere else.
* I'm here to help but if I think you are feeling that I'm your obligated research monkey then I'll disabuse you of that notion.

The point of this thread is to bring your knowledge base beyond gear. I see lots of folks here talking about what filters, gadgets, and chemicals to use for make drinking water after SHTF or just for wilderness use. The problem I see most often is their focus on the parts instead of the process. When someone suggests some other part or idea many readers get stuck back at zero again unsure how this would affect their planning. But once you understand the process then all your options begin to start making more sense.

Safe Water = Sediment Removal > Biological Remediation > Toxin Removal.

If you understand that process then all you have to do when you see new chemicals, filters, or gadgets is figure how each works and where they fit into the process above. In theory the last two can be switched around but for practical reasons it is better to do toxin removal last as those components tend to have the shortest volume lifespan so the cleaner the water is the longer the toxin filter will last.

The equation explained:

Safe Water is not perfect water. Only labs make perfect water. Instead it means where the risk factors are so low that a moderately healthy or mildly sick person can feel safe drinking it. It need not be crystal clear. It's not sterile, pyrogen free, injectable, triple distilled, or any other term you might see out there. It just means almost everyone can drink it without worry.

Sediment Removal is taking the bulk of the solids out. Solids interfere with the next two processes, making them harder and shortening the lifespan of filter media.

Biological Remediation is removing dangerous lifeforms from the water. There are two levels of this. First is removal of bacteria, cysts, protozoa, algae, and other microflora. The second level is removing viruses. The removal of viruses is only for regions where virus present a realistic threat. Most temperate areas, especially in 1st World nations, have negligible viral water threats. Hot tropical and cold tundra areas do pose special viral risks.

Toxin Removal is dealing with non-living threats in the water. Mycotoxins from the metabolism of living creatures, soluted metals, arsenic, hydrocarbon and other solvent waste, cleaning agents, fungicides, herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, acid rain, mining runoff, industrial waste, and post consumer runoff all exist out there. The more industrialized and urban an area is the more likely the risk is. Rural areas are not much safer as farms offer their owns risks. Almost every place is downstream from somewhere and anything upstream or up elevation flows down. Acid rain will fall even at very high and population free areas. Even where no man exits there is risk simply from the earth. Naturally occurring metal deposits and arsenic are found all over. Remember that every man created toxin was once something man grew or pulled out of the earth. Your risk for toxins is lowest in wilderness settings of 3rd World tropical nations.

Now let's cover what you can use for each of the three steps.

Sediment Removal
Sand: Preferably clean boiled sand. Play sand is a good choice. Used inline.
Flocculation: Using an agent to clump or flake the sediment so it floats or sinks to the bottom. Used in batch method.
Spun filters: Artificial fibers spun into a cone or cylinder. Used inline.
Filter cloths: Expedient method using cloth or fabric mesh like pantyhose. Used inline.
Paper cloths: Expedient method using strong paper, like a coffee filter. Used inline.
Tight weave wire or nylon mesh: A stainless steel or nylon weave of around 100 mesh fibers per inch grade. Used inline.

Biological Decon
Boiling: Rolling boil for 1+ minutes at sea level.
Ozone: Typically found at pool stores as a generator.
Potassium permanganate: 2.5mg/liter, but will not kill viruses at safe drinking amounts.
Miox: Currently off market but some still available on Amazon and eBay.
Silver: Usually as part of an existing filter. No official guidelines for colloidal mixtures.
Alcohol: ethanol only. Difficult as you need about 20% ethanol (40proof), but 3 parts water to 1 part red wine will work due the phenols.
Iodine: Potable Aqua, Lugol's solution, tincture of iodine 2%.
UV: Steripen, Puritest, UV mercury vapor bulb, Watts, many other brands.
Chlorine: sodium hypochlorite (household bleach), calcium hypochlorite (pool shock), chloride dioxide (tablets).
Sub-micron filtration: .1 micron for everything excepts viruses, .02 micron for viruses.
Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate:

Toxin Decon
Membranes: Inline reverse osmosis cartridges.
Activated carbon (charcoal): Good for most organic and some inorganic toxins. Not good for arsenic, fluoride, or heavy metals.
Bone char: Better than activated carbon on arsenic, fluoride, and heavy metals. Good for other toxins, but not as good as AC.
Activated alumina: Good for arsenic and fluoride. Not so very healthy itself though.
Zeolite: Good for metals and ammonia compounds; Mediocre for other organic toxins.
Ozone: Good for mycotoxins created by algae and fungi.
Tight packed cilantro/parsley: ; ; ;
Banana peels: Dehydrated and power homemade media; ; ;
Nopal (prickly pear) cactus: ;

Please note that BBQ or fire charcoal are not good for detox. AC and GAC work on the principle of adsorption, which requires extreme surface area. A 55 gallon drum of fresh fire charcoal is less effective than a small handful of GAC. Carbon for toxin filtration isn't a realistic DIY option. By the time you chopped down several cords of wood you will have sweated more water than you would get back from the fire charcoal filtered water. All the trees on your lot won't help without the industrial processes needed to do this right.

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Safe Water Theory (v2)

mercredi 10 avril 2019

Public pensions systems still "in trouble"

Article from the Wall Street Journal: "Why the longest US bull market has failed to fix the nation's public pensions":

Some highlights from the article:

There is a simple reason why pensions are in such rough shape: The amount owed to retirees is accelerating faster than assets on hand to pay those future obligations. Liabilities of major U.S. public pensions are up 64% since 2007 while assets are up 30%, according to the most recent data from Boston College’s Center for Retirement Research.

Here is how it got that way:

Public pension funds have to pay benefits—their liabilities. They hold assets, which grow or shrink through a combination of investment gains or losses and contributions from employers and workers. Those assets generally rose faster than liabilities for five decades starting in the 1950s because government was expanding and the number of retirees was smaller.

In the 1980s and 1990s, double-digit stock and bond returns convinced governments they could afford widespread benefit increases.

There have been efforts to address the problem. But as the article says, it hasn't been easy:

Many states and cities reduced benefits for new employees after 2008. But deeper cuts often met resistance from judges, unions and angry constituents—even in some of the most indebted states.

The Illinois Supreme Court in 2015 threw out cuts by the legislature that were expected to save tens of billions of dollars. Kentucky’s legislature last year declined to approve the governor’s proposed cuts to cost-of-living increases for retired teachers after protests brought thousands to the state capitol and forced cancellations of classes in several school districts.

My conclusion after reading all this? For years the entire public/government pension system has been far too generous.

Like allowing people to retire at 55. Or even earlier.

Thoughts? Opinions?

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Public pensions systems still "in trouble"

Annoying Pop-up Video


Originally Posted by Eddie_T View Post

I am experiencing a very annoying pop-up video on the lower right corner of my screen. I haven't watched it through to see who is responsible, I should so I can be sure to boycott the product. I don't know if it appears on all threads or not.

I have started getting them. They are annoying but as long as they are not center screen popups I guess the owners must make money. It is not like we pay for being here.

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Annoying Pop-up Video

It starts with the Reparations Study Committee...


this is a crock to try to get elected. booker knows perfectly well this will go no where. no one alive today is entitled to get reparations. we should stop this kind of nonsense that we are paying for. booker thinks blacks are stupid enough to believe this...

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It starts with the Reparations Study Committee...

urban snipers

It's all situation dependent

They have the initial advantage unless you creep upon everything with a sharp eye and a good pair of binoculars!

Being camouflaged with your surroundings helps immensely......that doesn't necessarily mean wearing camo.....

You'll either need to spot him first or wait until he takes a shot

Got bait?

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urban snipers

Could You Garden Successfully in Venezuela's Conditions?

That really cuts to the heart of EP gardening in my opinion. They are not in a true EMP type grid down, but given their circumstances they are essentially living much that way. Must be horrible. It could last for years.

That's why I survival garden for the most part like I'm in a grid down existence.

"Can you imagine living in Venezuela right now?

More importantly….. have you ever imagined living like that? Have you ever seriously stopped to think about the ramifications of an economic collapse? Your money is virtually worthless. Wide ranging power blackouts, almost no food, eating pets and whatever stray animals can be obtained. They are essentially in a grid down existence, the very type of which I write about here. Recent online articles featured dramatic headlines such as “Venezuelans Return To Middle ages”. I’ve always viewed the scenario of a power grid catastrophe as returning us to the 1800’s rather than a time of peasantry. Give or take a few hundred years, the dire meaning is the same.

For their city dwellers, it must be a living hell. But I wonder how the rural folk are doing? Not the bigger farm operations. They are surely suffering. But what of the common ......"

Blackout in Caracas ... the real deal. The garden center is closed.

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Could You Garden Successfully in Venezuela's Conditions?

large loop on lever actions

Never had a lever until last year,bought a plain jane henry .22..happy with it.

Looking at getting another one,any brand,in 30-30 or 38/357,just because.

I like the looks of the large loop,I assume it was for functioning in winter wearing large gloves,and has a actual use besides looks.I'm in swfl,so that is not an issue.I will do my best to avoid the Chuck Conner flip.

Just curious if there is any downside to a large loop?
I just like the looks of it.

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large loop on lever actions

Freeze Dried Mozzarella


Originally Posted by kayak View Post
Looking for any input from people who have used one or more of the commercial freeze dried mozzarellas.

Is there one you recommend? Any you suggest I stay away from? This is gonna be one of my pricier luxury items for the pantry, and even a small package to test out is moderately expensive, so any info I can get in advance will be greatly appreciated.

This is the last ingredient I need to be sure I have the ability to make pizza from the pantry for at least 2 years. For me and mine, pizza is a great comfort food, so this is a priority.

There really is no decent whole cheese that is freeze dried. Real cheese is already a low water content food.

Fat and milk solids make up most of cheese. Freeze driers don't deal with fat, so to make FD cheese it must be made as a low fat cheese like product. Otherwise it would still be rubbery and fatty that will go rancid in a dry bag or can.

There is no magic to be had here. Reconstituted FD cheese is still that high water content FD sort-of cheese. Taking the fat out leaves you with just cheese solids powder that is good for certain dishes but can't be made back into what you think of as nice melty normal cheese.

I can recommend a great line of cheese powders to buy and they will make good cheesy tasting dishes, but you can't get that melty cheese-like texture you want on a pizza. It will be more like skipping the melted cheese on top and adding Parmesan dry like powder. Or you can just settle for the weird watery style cheese of those FD shreds. Your choice.

Real cheese powder source:

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Freeze Dried Mozzarella

Remington Model 700 in 6.5 Creedmoor

I'm not privy to a lot of details yet and I also can't divulge much more info than is presented here. So here's what I know and what I wish to get feed back from anyone here who is more knowledgeable than I... which would be pretty much Everyone!
I've been given the opportunity to field test (and write a review) a new Remington 700 in the 6.5 Creedmoor caliber. The 'person(s)' wanted some field tests in Wyoming (assuming it would be a prairie dog shoot) at long distances. Don't have any "prairie carp" at my place, so it'll be paper and steel gongs. I have up to 1,000 meters available at the BOL, and unlimited ranges off property nearby. Let it be known I am NOT a sniper nor am I trained/experienced at shots over 300 yards at my personal range at home.

1) Is the 700 PCR all that and a bag of chips?
2) Which model of 700 should I request for my Test rifle?
a. Otherwise, which model do you folks think is the most accurate.
3) 1:8 twist is what they offer so which velocity and weight should I stock up on for the test ammo? Name brands would be appreciated so I can order ahead of time.

I am thinking of ordering a Thompson Encore barrel in this caliber just cuz I have a frame and a scope/mounts ready to go, so why not?

Thanks for any feed back.

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Remington Model 700 in 6.5 Creedmoor

mardi 9 avril 2019

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S&W Model 64 police trade in prices are getting a little nutty.


Originally Posted by Surveyor View Post

Like to know what that stamp says. Probably a commercial Lot. $400 is too much, in my opinion.

Looks like "IMG" or "JMG" FRANKFORT KY


Originally Posted by hatchet jack View Post

A few years ago I bought a turn in model 65, the 357 version of this gun. What a great gun it is. And I stupidly let a model 67 (model 15 in SS) walk off that the guy wanted $250 for. Dumb. You just can't go wrong with a classic S&W revolver.

I have two trade in revolvers, a DAO 64 I got from J&G Sales a number of years back. Externally, it was a bit rough when I got it, and the grips were ****, but it cleaned up OK, and its been a great shooter. Its buttery smooth trigger is something to marvel at.

I also have a NY DOC Model 10 2" RB thats had some use, and its grips were **** too. I shoot it a good bit, and did have the barrel come loose, but a little Loctite fixed that right up. As did some new grips. It too is a good shooter too.

Ive always got my eye open for the 357 snubbies, but you dont see many of them much these days.

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S&W Model 64 police trade in prices are getting a little nutty.

Protestant "spirituality"

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Protestant "spirituality"
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My New Henry Small Game Rifle

I’ve been working at this writing gig for a long time, having collected my first paycheck for outdoor writing way back in 1998. Most of the time when I get an item to review it goes on my list and I’ll make some notes of my first impressions, then it gets set aside and tested[.....]

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My New Henry Small Game Rifle

Midwest Can Co.

Recently I went to my local Menards to purchase some 6 gal water jugs. I noticed that only one on the shelf actually had the little red dust disc on it. All of the others were missing theirs. So, I bought the one good one and went home to contact the company as this is not the first time I have had this problem. They replied the next business day and surmised that people must be stealing them. They told me that if I provided my name and address, they would send me new replacement discs. So I told them I needed 4 and, what my address is.

Interesting note, one of the local farm supply stores carries a different name brand jug with a very similar spout. They were missing their dust caps as well. I am more inclined to believe it’s a supplier issue than theft.

Anyway, be sure to inspect your water cans prior taking them out of the store.

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Midwest Can Co.

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Russian AsH -12 st130

So looking on the internet I came across the ash-12. Which is supposed to replace the ak. Is this thing legitimate or just Russian propaganda?

I mean a 12.7x55 rifle round. Isn't most modern combat close quarters?
Why a large caliber rifle round? And what about ammunition weight? Why weigh a soldier down?

Also no one really seems to be talking much about the ash. It's pretty cool. But I'm not sure you can replace the AK. It's got a serious track record.


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Russian AsH -12 st130

How College Athletics Should Work:

A student should get 4 years of eligibility to be used in 5 consecutive years.

Each student athlete must meet all the normal admission standards for the college or university.

Once admitted; the student athlete could compete his first year.

To compete in his/her second year of eligibility the student must meet the school’s requirement for a sophomore completing all freshman requirements.

To compete in a third year the student must not only be a junior academically but be two years or less academically short of completing a major.

To compete in a fourth year the student must be 30 hours or less short of graduation.

Any student can use the fifth year to sit out in order to meet academic requirements.

All student athletes should be paid minimum wage for game and practice time (to be limited by NCAA rules) but not conditioning.

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How College Athletics Should Work:

What to do with coyote pups?

Yesterday afternoon I looked out into the yard to see my cats being chased (playfully?) by two coyote pups. Then they took after my little banty roo (who is bigger than them and had no problems getting away).

I found they were living under the shed. I believe there are only the two of them, no adult.

They are very small. Maybe a foot long? They can't be very old. I've not noticed an adult. And the adult would be much too big to fit under the shed.

I caught one of them overnight in a trap.

Here's a picture from yesterday.

Click image for larger version Name: 20190409_054552-411x353.jpg Views: 42 Size: 68.2 KB ID: 285734

A few days ago I did find right in the shed a dead coon. It was slightly partially eaten. At the time, I thought it had just crawled in there and died, and the skunk that I have seen coming on the porch must have picked at it. But now I wonder if the mother had put it there?

But so far I have not seen any adult.

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What to do with coyote pups?

Cast iron skillets??


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Cast iron skillets??

lundi 8 avril 2019

Beretta 92 Holsters?

On the off chance that I might someday need to actually carry the 92S that I bought last year, I'm asking for opinions on holster makers. Gun is really too big for IWB, so OWB it must be, and I have a very strong preference for paddle types. I'm also of the "buy cheap, buy twice" persuasion. Quality first.

Ideas? Opinions? Flames? All welcome.

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Beretta 92 Holsters?

President Trump takes action today on Iran

Can't we just stop beatin around the GW Bush here and attack Iran already? I can't tell you if the use of farce will last 5 days, 5 weeks or 5 months, but it certainly isn't going to last any longer than that. This will essentially be a yellow cake walk, and the intelligence on it is a slam dunce.

I predict any insurgency from Venezuelan terrorists using Saudi-purchased US munitions and weaponry will be in its final throes before you can hang up a mission accomplished banner. My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators by the Iranian people as we make all of Iran safe for Israeli occupation and the construction of Israeli/US controlled oil pipelines.

Rest assured, the war will be entirely financed by Chinese loans and tax cuts on jobs Americans won't do, like completing the danged border fence, for example.

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President Trump takes action today on Iran

Morakniv Craftline Pro C All round Fixed Utility Knife - $10.18 (Free S/H over $25)


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Morakniv Craftline Pro C All round Fixed Utility Knife - $10.18 (Free S/H over $25)

Iran military deemed a terrorist organization

wow, US declares IRAN's military a terrorist organization... has me wonder how those drone strikes are going to go over with Iran...
This is confusing because terrorists are suppose to be differentiated from government by being subnational organizations, not state organs.

The move to classifying government as terrorists is totally changing the paradigm of what terrorism is and .. since the US routinely assassinates terrorists with drones strikes this may cause the US to take actions against Iran without allowances by congress to wage war against iran… big shift

Meanwhile Iran designated US central command as terrorists in reply Iran's Supreme National Security Council, according to the Fars news agency, said it was designating the United States Central Command, also known as CENTCOM, and all its forces as terrorist, and labelled the U.S. a "supporter of terrorism."

This is a big shift.

Terrorists generally are not allowed to be treated under the Rules of War by the US as they are deemed unlawful combatants...

Whether this designation will see the US assassinate Iranian targets globally by drone strikes as have been done against other terrorists is something to look for.

Iran will probably see it as an act of war rather than anti terror operation.

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Iran military deemed a terrorist organization

New experence with iron sights.

I didn't really shoot anything with a scope until I was in my mid-teens. Growing up, it was pretty much all irons, and rifles built for them.

I think my disdain for many of todays rifles, and especially the bolt guns, is because of this too. Its not just the sights that are different on them. The way many, if not most of the rifles are built these days, they are geared to them having a scope on them, and the whole gun is built accordingly. And usually, these days, when you do see irons on them, they are made to work on a gun built for a scope.

For some guns, I can see the usefulness of the scopes, and Ive had a number of decent rifle/scope combos, but of all the guns I currently have, I have two rifles that have a scope on them. Then rest are irons and/or red dots, and most of the irons, are of the aperture type.

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New experence with iron sights.

Pair of Drunk Guys Shoot Each Other in Bulletproof Vest

In yet another example of what not to do, we find two humans who were reportedly arrested in Benton County, Arkansas after deciding to shoot one another while wearing a bulletproof vest. While this is quite stupid, it was undertaken voluntarily so I don’t understand why it’s illegal. Not surprisingly, the two geniuses (50-year-old Hicks[.....]

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Pair of Drunk Guys Shoot Each Other in Bulletproof Vest

Grieving With Gobblers

It was a heck of a turkey hunt. Uncle Jimmy had just passed away — the same uncle to whom I’d dedicated the gobbler I’d bagged on an earlier hunt — and I was trying to get my mind right. Losing a loved one is tough and requires adjustment… and in my experience, there’s no[.....]

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Grieving With Gobblers