lundi 8 avril 2019

Iran military deemed a terrorist organization

wow, US declares IRAN's military a terrorist organization... has me wonder how those drone strikes are going to go over with Iran...
This is confusing because terrorists are suppose to be differentiated from government by being subnational organizations, not state organs.

The move to classifying government as terrorists is totally changing the paradigm of what terrorism is and .. since the US routinely assassinates terrorists with drones strikes this may cause the US to take actions against Iran without allowances by congress to wage war against iran… big shift

Meanwhile Iran designated US central command as terrorists in reply Iran's Supreme National Security Council, according to the Fars news agency, said it was designating the United States Central Command, also known as CENTCOM, and all its forces as terrorist, and labelled the U.S. a "supporter of terrorism."

This is a big shift.

Terrorists generally are not allowed to be treated under the Rules of War by the US as they are deemed unlawful combatants...

Whether this designation will see the US assassinate Iranian targets globally by drone strikes as have been done against other terrorists is something to look for.

Iran will probably see it as an act of war rather than anti terror operation.

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Iran military deemed a terrorist organization

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