mercredi 10 avril 2019

Could You Garden Successfully in Venezuela's Conditions?

That really cuts to the heart of EP gardening in my opinion. They are not in a true EMP type grid down, but given their circumstances they are essentially living much that way. Must be horrible. It could last for years.

That's why I survival garden for the most part like I'm in a grid down existence.

"Can you imagine living in Venezuela right now?

More importantly….. have you ever imagined living like that? Have you ever seriously stopped to think about the ramifications of an economic collapse? Your money is virtually worthless. Wide ranging power blackouts, almost no food, eating pets and whatever stray animals can be obtained. They are essentially in a grid down existence, the very type of which I write about here. Recent online articles featured dramatic headlines such as “Venezuelans Return To Middle ages”. I’ve always viewed the scenario of a power grid catastrophe as returning us to the 1800’s rather than a time of peasantry. Give or take a few hundred years, the dire meaning is the same.

For their city dwellers, it must be a living hell. But I wonder how the rural folk are doing? Not the bigger farm operations. They are surely suffering. But what of the common ......"

Blackout in Caracas ... the real deal. The garden center is closed.

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Could You Garden Successfully in Venezuela's Conditions?

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