samedi 31 décembre 2016

Divers Down

Everyone, Thank you in advance. I have posted this story on a sister site and wanted to share here to see what you guys thought. Let me know; I am scrubbing the document before I post so it will be only a few chapters at a time.

23 June 2017

The sun began to peak around the Earth as the International Space Station began its next orbital transit. The Space X shuttle had just arrived six hours before ferrying a new crew consisting of two female Astronauts, one German and one Israeli, and one American male. All three held Ph.D’s in Biochemistry and Mathematics respectively. They joined the three Cosmonauts, all male, who had been alone on the station for three months already. Scheduled for a two week turnover of duties, the Cosmonauts were to return to earth aboard their Soyuz capsule.

Dr. Marsha Levin, a Colonel in the Israeli Defensive Force (IDF), was on duty while the other five slept. She was trying to process the torrent of things that had happened in just the last two days when the leadership at SpaceX had decided to go ahead with launch. She was by far the youngest of the new crew at 37 years old. She had been fast tracked through the space training program after her near prodigy status came to light by a chance meeting with NASA leadership. The time from then till the launch had moved along with alarming speed and alacrity until she finally got this chance to catch her breath.

Yet, in many ways, she preferred to stay very busy. It kept her from dwelling on her internal demons. She didn’t know her crewmates that well, though they had trained together for a period of time before their selection for this mission. She thought back to her childhood in the Kibbutz in northern Israel where she grew up and the stark time interwoven with the sometime overwhelming threat that seem to be ever present from Israel’s neighbors. There was this one time when she was too far away from a bunker when the rockets from Lebanon began to fall on the outskirts of the Kibbutz…..

A shrill warning alarm jarred Dr. Levin out of her thoughts that had begun traveling down a dark road that she didn’t like to travel. However, she would soon see that the dark road traveled in day dreams and nightmares would pale in comparisons to the horror that she was alerted to followed closely by the computer screens she was monitoring showing a huge swath of Corona Mass Ejecta that had leaped off the sun and was screaming on a direct collision course with Earth. The Earth itself had blocked the event from the Space Station until at best there was about five hours left before impact.

Suddenly, Crew Captain Eva Lang appeared next to Levin and gave an audible gasp. “How long?”

Dr. Levin replied, “Five, Six hours tops.”

Eva Lang had grown up in the eastern Hessian village of Nüsttal that was as close to the boarder of East Germany as you could get without actually being there. She saw and experienced the differences between the east and the west and as the gravity of what she was seeing began to set in, she knew that there would indeed be no comparison. “Where?” She really didn’t need to ask. She could see for herself.

“North America.” Levin replied. “But judging how long it is, this will last a couple of days.”

Eva lost in thought mumbled, “The whole world……”

Lang, who was 52 years old and on her fourth space mission, two with the Shuttle program and now her second stay on the ISS, stirred from her thoughts, “And us?”

“Our orbit should keep us relatively safe; our systems are hardened against just this type of event.” Dr. Levin then pressed the toggle button. “ISS to Houston. ISS to Houston.”

“Houston, go ISS.”

Dr. Levin turned to Captain Lang. With a sigh, Captain Lang keyed the mic, “Houston, brace yourself, this isn’t good. Mission Continuing Hope is now changed to Enduring Survival. God help you and God help Mankind.”

Chapter 1
3 June 2017

“Left Surface!” Shouted the unnamed Petty Officer manning the life support station/dive station that was responsible for controlling the undersea craft. The support barge had been on station at this site for a couple of weeks. It was very non-descript and to the passing tanker or air craft looked just like any other low draft sea craft. However, its mission was steeped in secrecy.
With those words, the collective tension in the control room rose precipitously as the diving bell slowly began its descent to the ocean floor 600 feet below the surface of this small spot in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, about 100 miles due south of Panama City Beach.

“Mark Time.” Calmly the Dive Supervisor registered the beginning of a two-month Saturation Dive at the bottom of the Gulf. Deep inside, he was on pins and needles as there was a lot at stake for this excursion. This was the first attempt to place United States Navy Divers into a long term deep submergence habitat since the failed Sealab III mission in the late 1960’s. President Clinton had taken a chance on this endeavor as she had in revolutionizing the Space Exploration Program. The next launch, scheduled for 23 June, would include many of the same experiments as this undersea excursion so that a comprehensive understanding of the two extreme environments could be teased out in comparison and in contrast. However, while the world was on stage for the Space part of the exercise, no one knew about the habitat in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

This effort was funded with both private and government dollars and totally supported by people and resources from the Navy Experimental Diving Unit (NEDU) that was located in Panama City Beach. As a mature science, undersea exposures were still in its infancy and there was still much to be learned about this relatively unexplored world. The old undersea habitat, the largest in the world, was modeled after the Ocean Simulation Facility located at NEDU.

The team of divers, three men and two women, would descend the six hundred feet to their new home in the unpiloted submersible. The trip down was conducted in stages and took about four days. During this time, the divers were somewhat cramped as besides the divers, all their gear and rations for their stay had to be transported as well.

On board the diving bell were the dive leader, Hospital Corpsman Chief Petty Officer (HMC) Marc Logan and his crew of two young petty officers and two diving medical officers. Logan, though only 27 years of age, was cut from the old diving school mode of thought and had quickly risen through the Navy ranks, reaching Chief, after nine years of service. He was rugged with a very quiet, confident demeanor. He was a natural born leader who did not have to say a whole lot to get his point across. He kept his hair close cropped and though there was some premature graying, you had to look closely to see it in the light brown offering that he barely left on top. His eyes were slate blue and very intense. Very little escaped their focus or attention. He had the ability to assess his surrounding quickly and make the appropriate decisions that could often decide matters of life or death. His other features were rather unremarkable and this allowed him to fit in without standing out in many settings. Average height at an even six foot fall, and a trim 190 pounds served him well on long missions such as this one.

He was a natural selection to lead this team and with the exception of the diving medical officers, he handpicked the other two enlisted men. And, it was his job to make sure everyone pulled his or her weight safely and efficiently and to ensure that some semblance of harmony ruled. With only five members of the team, there would be little down time.

Taking into consideration that he was having to be confined for three months, he pick two men who were similar to himself in personality and in skill. The first was a six foot, two inch African American who was a Petty Officer Second Class Radioman Diver, Sal Davis. His selection came from necessity for communications but also for his coolness under pressure. He was a skilled fabricator who could work with varying types of metal and exhibited a talent with wood as well. He exhibited no wasted motions and was very fluid on his and Logan’s frequent hunting trips to North Alabama. As expert rifle shot with multiple rifles, he was only bested on occasion by Logan.

The third diver selected was a rather diminutive man of Germanic origin who, though only about five foot, eight inches tall was very stocky and very quick on his feet. For this dive he was the equipment technician and Logan knew there was none better at problem solving on the fly then Kurt Mathis. There were few weekends that went by that he did not join the other two in their excursions. He was almost as good with weaponry as Logan and Davis, but was superior in explosives, supply and logistics. As each man had to fulfill a multiple of roles, these were the best.

The diving medical officers (DMO) were there to keep the crew healthy. Though there has been a lot of research on long term deep submergence exposures, there were still some unknowns in this challenging environment. And the DMOs were fully stocked and skilled to handle most any emergency including minor surgery and depth related injuries.

Their home for the next three months as a habitat that essentially had five large hyperbaric chambers that were daisy chained together, providing their living quarters. The individual chambers were labeled “A” through ”E” and, in the standard military convention, were named “Alpha”, “Bravo”, “Charley”, “Delta”, and “Echo”. Entry into the Habitat was gained through a small chamber located below the Charley chamber. There was differential pressurization in this room that kept the sea out, but provided a large circular access to the ocean. Here, too, all the diving equipment was stored, staged and cleaned. A winch was affixed to the ceiling to raise and lower there diving stage as needed. A small gas farm located just outside the chamber housed enough breathing gas mixes for various depths for up to six months. Resupply was to be done by submersible.

Bunks were located in Alpha, Bravo, Delta and Echo chambers. Bravo and Delta chambers doubled as the movie theater and the shower/toileting facilities; both of which were opened to the chamber requiring privacy on the honor system. Though there were lockout ports in both Bravo and Delta chambers, there was a small galley located at the far end of the habitat in echo chamber. Due to the nature of the breathing gases in the habitat, all food was either consumed as it was or it was warmed chemically in an external device connected to Echo chamber.

They had enough Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) to last about a year and for water, there was a closed loop reverse osmosis/forward osmosis water production unit, thanks to an interagency loan with NASA. This technology, developed at NASA Ames Research Center and perfected on the International Space Station (ISS) was key for recycling all of their “gray water” and from time to time, desalinating small amounts of sea water. With proper care, this equipment would function indefinitely. Prior to the dive, all MREs were field stripped and had their heating elements removed and made compression ready. As it wasn’t that desireable to live off of MRE’s for any length of time, there would be periodic resupply via the submersible with fresh fruit and vegetables. Logan was well versed in nutrition in operational environments and had insisted on fresh produce to keep them at the top of their game.

After four days in the submersible, the divers finally reached the habitat. With the destination finally attained, it was like a dream to finally move around the habitat that was palatial by comparison. And after four days the smells in the bell were beginning to reach unprecedented heights. What passed for the port-o-potty had reached it’s capacity and was very ripe to say the least.

The first few days in the habitat involved setting up the living spaces, stowing the diving gear and other equipment, assessing rations and just generally becoming accustomed to the depth and heaviness of the breathing air. At 600 feet below sea level, the air density is at the point where it could be quite uncomfortable to talk, eat or even breathe at the same time. And as HMC Logan knew from prior NEDU research, cognitively, it would take about five days to adapt to the environment so that work could be done safely. So the first five to seven days were filled with the three “M”…. Movies, Meals and Mattresses. Without natural sunlight/night cycles, they would have to rely on the artificial light and dark cycles in the habitat.

In order to insure some amount of privacy for both male and female crew members, HMC Logan assigned female berthing in Delta and Echo chamber while male berthing was in Alpha and Bravo chamber. It wasn’t lost upon the two officers that the chow device was located in their sleeping quarters; HMC quickly established when the other members could and could not heat their meals.

The dive was relatively uneventful for the first two weeks or so. Settling in with a mixed crew was challenging, especially considering each member tended toward an alpha personality. Allowing that there would always be issues that needed to be worked through, the crew settled into a solid work routine, carrying out the business of the dive and all the experimental protocols attached to this particular dive. On the 20th day of the dive, HMC Logan was working on a stuck fitting about 20 yards from the habitat. He had 45 minutes left in his dive when he got a call from Petty Officer Davis. Oddly enough, at that moment the submersible began to quickly head back to the surface.

“Chief, Something is wrong here.” Sal commented upon establishing contact.

Logan watched the dive bell until it was out of sight. “What is it?”

“We have lost coms to the surface.”

“Okay… Probably just a glitch.” Logan began to address the fitting again.

“No, Chief, it isn’t. They had started broadcasted then the transmission ended. They started to say something about a situation.”

His friend addressing him by “Chief” got his attention. It was almost the same way that most sailors will say "Shipmate". “Okay, give me five then I will head in. I have to get this project started at least.”

About fifteen minutes later, the stage raised Logan into the dry-dive area under Charley chamber. He stepped off and with assistance from his diving buddy for this dive, LT Dana Callahan, he was able to get the heavy equipment off and stowed. LT Callahan was the younger of the two DMOs, and was by far the least experienced diver in the group. Though she had an athletic build, she did tend to be on the taller and leaner side of the spectrum. She was also, by far, the most outspoken of the five, tending to speak before she thought most of the time.

The two headed into Charley chamber, which served as the command and control center. All the communication and tactical surveillance equipment was located here. “Okay, replay what you got.” Logan urged.

Petty Officer Davis reached over and hit play as he had already queued the transmission. “Team I do not have a lot of time, you have to listen carefully. As you know this mission was top secret, we didn’t want the politicians to know about it. As such, no one knows you are down there. You will have to make do on……..” This was followed by a loud static pulse then there was nothing.

“That is it.” Davis commented.

“Any video?” Logan asked.

"Yes, just this, then the cameras transmission also went to snow.”
Logan looked at the screen and the time stamp. Both feeds went to snow at the same time. He had Davis freeze the last image. “Look that sailor is holding a hand written sign. Can you make it out?”

Davis fiddled with the controls a little then the sign pulled into focus. Two words were hastily written on the card. “STAY DOWN”. This was the last image that the dive team saw.

LT Callahan blurted, “Stay Down? What does that mean?”

Logan thought for a moment. There was still over two months left in this scheduled dive. He wasn’t sure if it meant to sit tight till then or not. “For now, I do not know. Maybe it means to continue the dive or maybe it means to stay longer. We will need to try to find out.” Logan paused. “Sal, keep trying to reestablish contact. Also look for other anomalies to see if we can piece things together.” Then looking at them sternly, he followed, “Either way, the submersible went topside about 30 minutes ago.” Pausing to let that sink in, he continued, “Without that, we have no way to safely decompress and surface.”

Chapter 2
23 June 2017

Carl smoothly lifted the helicopter off of the runway at the Houma-Terrebone Airport in Houma, Louisiana. Carl Levin, who had just turned 45 years old the previous week, had for the last twelve years been the primary pilot for the Bayou Transportation Company (BTC) at its transportation hub from this small airport in South Louisiana. A small corporation, BTC services about a dozen rigs in this part of the Gulf of Mexico off of Louisiana. As he had tenure, he worked a traditional five day week making deliveries of human capital and sustenance resources. His primary helo was the large Sikorsky S-92, a twin engine, medium-lift heliocopter that had a range of about 600 miles and could carry about 20 people.

On this particular trip he had a crew of five mud loggers and a senior Vice President on board. His co-pilot, a just out of school former Navy pilot, completed the load. His plan was to drop off the five workers and his co-pilot at Rig number 23 then fly another 35 miles to a new Rig, number 27, where his VP was to make a visual inspection of the Rig. Number 27 had been put into place two weeks before, but bad weather had hampered setup.

The VP happened to be the youngest daughter of the owner of Gulf Saturation Exploration and this was their newest rig. It was her determination alone to see if the rig was safe to bring out the set up crew.
Having made his first stop Carl brought the Sikorsky into a seaward approach to the temporary landing pad atop the main deck of the rig. He gently set the bird down and the VP looked at him and told him to stay there as she exited the aircraft and began her inspection. Carl chuckled to himself as the helo spun down. He still had a third stop to make to deliver supplies to another rig about 45 miles away. He was sure that they were eagerly awaiting the food and spare parts for their equipment. Rig 27 was about 120 miles from the Mississippi Delta and was about as lonely as you could imagine a rig being. Construction had just been completed and it awaited final acceptance testing before the first team of workers would arrive. The transition team had just left the week before so there wasn’t a single living soul on the rig. The sooner this lady finished her walk about, the better he felt.

Carmen Baker was about average height at 5’4 and weighed around 120 pounds. She didn’t have any trouble making her way around this rig as she had virtually grown up in these isolated cities in the middle of the gulf. She had a head for this business and she was a natural choice for the next senior owner, whenever her father decided he had enough. She kept her dark red hair a comfortable shoulder’s length and was in the company’s dark blue coveralls, keeping her business suits pristine for when she was in the office.
After about 40 minutes Carmen returned to the heliopad and climbed into the Sikorski. “I am ready whenever you are.” She had noticed Carl about a year previous. She always chose him for these trips but wasn’t sure if he even noticed. She fixed him with her green eyes and asked, “How long until we are able to get back to Houma?”

Carl thought for a moment then did his calculations out loud, “15 minutes to spool up, go through checklists and takeoff, about 20 minutes to next rig with about an hour of turnaround time then another 20 minute trip back to the first rig to get the folks heading back then about an hour in…” He left it hanging a bit before he added, “How about you take this left seat and give me a hand? You can see more up here, but then again, how much water can anyone look at?”

She gladly joined him and he started the checklists and when he had them complete and the four blades trimmed and proper touque inputted, the Sikorsky lifted into the air. He continued rising to about 300 feet above the rig and slowly rotated the back end by easing back on the right pedal and allowing the natural tail rotor torque to turn the aircraft. He began to push the cyclic forward to gain lift when both engines suddenly shut down. Immediately he dropped the collective, praying it wasn’t his transmission too, before the bird began to drop out of the sky. Manipulating the pedals he was able to execute a picture perfect autorotation back down to the pad where he raised the collective just before touching down to make the landings less difficult.

Carmen, somewhat ashen, let out her held breathe and exclaimed, “What was that?”

“I don’t know, I just lost all power and all my systems. Good thing we were still here or that would have been a quick trip into the drink.”

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Divers Down

Winchester Western .22 Long Rifle 36-Grain 525 Rnds - $28.99 shipped (limit 1)


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Winchester Western .22 Long Rifle 36-Grain 525 Rnds - $28.99 shipped (limit 1)

Zsa Zsa Jokes

Bob Hope said you could tell how old she was by counting the number of rings on her finger.

Many thought she was high faluttin and uppity...she said no, "actually I'm a very good housekeeper. . . every time I left a husband, I kept his house."

(married about 9 times)

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Zsa Zsa Jokes

12/31/16: Istanbul Turkey Nightclub Shooting At Least 35 Dead

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12/31/16: Istanbul Turkey Nightclub Shooting At Least 35 Dead
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Happy new Year


If you are reading this it means you also survived another trip around the big ball of 27,000,000 degree burning gas on this big wet rock we call earth, that we are stuck to by a force we really do not understand but have named gravity, which is a good thing we are stuck to it because this big wet rock is spinning at over a 1,000 miles an hour as it hurls through space at 67,108 miles an hour to make it's 365 days, 6 hours, 45 minutes and 48 second journey around the big burning ball.
So to my 7.2 billion fellow survivors, many of witch are trying to kill each other over a disagreement on who put us on this big spinning wet rock in the first place I say,
E.S.Pemberton from

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Happy new Year

OK, I'm gonna do it -- Need Help w/ RELOADING!

I've been dragging my feet for years now. My dad is a huge reloader and has been doing it for decades. My neighbors reload. Everyone I shoot with reloads and says I'm crazy to be taking all of these long-range precision rifle courses and not reloading my .338LM, .308, and 6.5CM brass. I also burn through an average of 500 rounds per month in each 9mm and .223/5.56.

I'm the type who only likes to buy the very best thing and buy it once. I don't even "cry once" because my dopamine high cancels out any regret.

That said, based upon my limited personal experience, I've settled upon Dillon for everything. I'm thinking an XL650 with various swap-out components for different calibers, or maybe two XL650s -- one each for handgun and rifle.

The 1050 seems to be best if you don't swap calibers frequently, but I don't have the room for a half-dozen different 1050's each with dedicated calibers.

So... in that vein, I need to make my list of kit that I'll need. I want as much "automated" equipment as possible that will handle large quantities so I don't need to do a lot of small batches. I want to be able to crank through 1,000+ rounds of any given caliber on any given day.

Wet and/or dry cleaner(s).
Sizing, etc.

I want to get every last thing all at once. I have experience locals that will help set everything up and school me (or do it for me if they can use my stuff -- Win! Win!).

I don't want to cheap-out. I just want to do it once and be done with it. I'm thinking something in the $5-6k range on all necessary hardware, tools, dies, etc. Then I'll load up on cases, primers, powder and projectiles, plus lube, media, cleaner, etc.

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OK, I'm gonna do it -- Need Help w/ RELOADING!

Last New Gun of 2016

So I went to a gun show to celebrate New Years Eve this morning. I happened to find a Mossberg 500 with the wood stock and both barrels in very good condition for $199.

When God puts something like that in front of you it's hard to pass it up.

Of course, when I got home I had to explain to SWMBO why I bought a gun I really don't need with money I really don't have Something I'm sure I'll pay for later

Just wanted to share.

Happy New Year and Good Shooting Everyone

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Last New Gun of 2016

H&R Handi Rifle .30-.30 Winchester

DefaultH&R Handi Rifle .30-.30 Winchester

Just picked up a really nice H&R Handi Rifle in .30-.30. It will be a nice addition to compliment my Marlin 336BL. Any opinions good or bad on this particular Rifle? It has a scope base installed, but think I prefer the open sights. If I go that route, any scope recommendations for this type of Rifle? Would like to keep it simple. Thanks!

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H&R Handi Rifle .30-.30 Winchester

Cabela's Men's U.S. Marines Black Watch Cap with Polartec - $6.49 ($5 S/H over $99)


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Cabela's Men's U.S. Marines Black Watch Cap with Polartec - $6.49 ($5 S/H over $99)

Query about a $50 charge

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Query about a $50 charge
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Magtech 9mm 124-Gr. FMC 50 rounds - $9.97 shipped


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Magtech 9mm 124-Gr. FMC 50 rounds - $9.97 shipped

Smith & Wesson M&P15-22 Sport .22 LR Rifle from $339


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Smith & Wesson M&P15-22 Sport .22 LR Rifle from $339

vendredi 30 décembre 2016

Center Point Tactical Red and Green Dot Sight - $19.99 ($5 S/H over $99)


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Center Point Tactical Red and Green Dot Sight - $19.99 ($5 S/H over $99)

Im a bit of a wreck

Today was rough.

I own a gym. It is very small and the members are like family. One of the girls disappeared a couple weeks ago and I have been wondering where she vanished too.

She contacted me a couple days ago from the hospital. Apparently she suffered a serious stroke and has spent the last week and a half in the ICU. She had managed to go to the hospital because of a headache..she was in the middle of a significant bleed out and had to be flown by life-flight to a better hospital.

Her right side is paralyzed, her speech is affected. She is a single mother with a lively five year old boy. 29 years old.

Visiting with her brought back a flood of pain of the loss of my best friend. He died calling 911.

Life is fragile. Life is precious. Things happen fast. Don't take what you have for granted. It can all change in an instant.


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Im a bit of a wreck

Chops, on the DPx H.E.S.T.

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Chops, on the DPx H.E.S.T.
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Ultralight Tarp Shelter Kit for Bugout Bag + Free Shipping

Our Ultralight Tarp Shelter Kit is available again, after being sold out for months. This is a 5'x7' RipStop Silnylon Tarp, 4 aluminum stakes, and 60' of MIL-C-5040h Type 1A Paracord (4x 10' guy lines and 1x 20' ridgeline), plus a No-See-Um Mesh Stuff Sack. The whole kit weighs less than a pound and costs just $49.99 with free shipping. Tarp color is Coyote Brown.

All the components but the stakes are manufactured here in the US.

You can find it here on our site:

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Ultralight Tarp Shelter Kit for Bugout Bag + Free Shipping

Any good non magnified scopes?

DefaultAny good non magnified scopes?

I was wondering if there was anything like the burris 332 or acog but with no magnification and an etched reticle or maybe a red dot with an etched reticle. I'm not wanting primary arms or vortex optics , I was hoping for a little higher quality stuff like aimpoint,leaupold,mepro,burris etc.

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Any good non magnified scopes?

Walther PPQ 45

I recently purchased a new Walther PPQ in 45 ACP and here are my initial thoughts.

I've owned an older Ruger P90 for years and I also have a Beretta M9 for comparison sakes.
The Walther is hands down the most ergonomic of them. It's probably the most ergonomic pistol I've ever fired. It falls to hand perfectly and really feels comfortable. I like the basic 3 dot sights but they are replaceable if desired and it points naturally. It definitely has more snap and muzzle rise than my Ruger does but it's easy to manage for me and not much of an issue. I think it's mostly due to the heavier frame on the Ruger.
Surprisingly it's about the same size and weight as my Ruger and considerably smaller than the M9 but it holds 12 rounds in the mag compared to 7 for the Ruger. At first glance it looks a lot smaller than the Ruger but side by side they are very close.
This is my first striker fired pistol so I'm still getting used to it but the trigger is everything the reviews say it is. Light, light and did I mention light? It may not be ideal for some for cc purposes but I like it a lot. Reset is very crisp and quick as well and it makes it easy to shoot this gun well.
So far I've only put 50 rounds through it but I'm planning on some shooting tomorrow before football gets started so I'll have some more feedback but at this point I'm very happy with the new purchase.
I've also got some new Wilson Combat thin grips to try out on the M9 so tomorrow should be a fun day!

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Walther PPQ 45

Hussein Swings 10 year anniversary.


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Hussein Swings 10 year anniversary.

Champion Rear Sand Bag Leather Tan 40877

Champion Rear Sand Bag Leather Tan 40877 [D5R2-A7] Price:$22.99

Champion offers a wide variety of heavy-duty sandbags for sighting in your firearm. Front and rear options provide the perfect, custom fit for your gun. Fine-tune your rifle or pattern your shotgun using these sturdy, rugged tools. Perfect for use in conjunction with the Steady Point Tri-Stance Rest. Champion leather sand bags give you a smooth surface for consistent performance.


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Champion Rear Sand Bag Leather Tan 40877

Savage Mark II BTV 22lr Bolt-Action Rifle (28750)

Savage Mark II BTV 22lr Bolt-Action Rifle (28750) [sr] Price:$363.99

Rimfire rifles add more fun to shooting than almost anything else for the money. Savage has known this for over a century and continues to improve and expand on this great rifle series. From casual plinking to serious hunting, the versatile line of Savage Model rimfire rifles can handle it all.

Specifications and features:
Savage model Mark II BTV bolt-action rimfire rifle
.22 Long Rifle caliber
21" button-rifled, heavy target barrel
1:16" twist
5-round detachable box magazine
Adjustable AccuTrigger
Brown laminate thumbhole stock
Blued steel bolt and barrel
Scope bases installed
Sling swivel studs
39.75" overall length
6.5 lbs.

Attention! By Federal law, we can only ship firearms to an FFL licensed gun dealer Check all local laws and regulations before purchasing When purchasing a firearm Email a copy of your FFL to [email protected] or fax a copy to 937 459 5434

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Savage Mark II BTV 22lr Bolt-Action Rifle (28750)

Mossberg Blaze-47 22lr Rifle (37255)

Mossberg Blaze-47 22lr Rifle (37255) [sr] Price:$324.99

Caliber .22 LR
Capacity 26
Barrel Length 16.5"
Sight Adj Fiber Optic/Raised Front
Twist 1:16:00 AM
LOP Type Fixed
LOP 13.5"
Barrel Finish Blued
Stock Finish Wood
Weight 4.75

Attention! By Federal law, we can only ship firearms to an FFL licensed gun dealer Check all local laws and regulations before purchasing When purchasing a firearm Email a copy of your FFL WITH ORDER NUMBER to [email protected] or fax a copy to 937 459 5434

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Mossberg Blaze-47 22lr Rifle (37255)

Chevy Suburban question

DefaultChevy Suburban question

I have a 1990 Chevy Suburban r1500 with a 350 motor
It blow a head gasket so we pulled the heads and replaced them. After getting it back together the ground wires at the back of the passenger side head started getting warm and smoking. So we checked to see if there were any wires pinched or caught were they weren't supposed to be. We didn't find any or anything that looked out of place.
Has anyone else run in to this problem or might have an ideal of what might be wrong

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Chevy Suburban question

Hyskore Compact Shooting Rest Equipment - $39.81 shipped


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Hyskore Compact Shooting Rest Equipment - $39.81 shipped

California legalizes child prostitution!

I clicked on this figuring it was going to be something ridiculous, no way the title was accurate, and holy cow it's true.
California SB1322, prostitution laws do not apply to people under 18 years old. The excuse? To allow the kids to get treatment instead of having a record of a prostitution arrest that will follow them for the rest of their lives.

I read on one of the "kooky" sites that the pedophiles were trying to legitimize their activities, didn't believe anything could ever happen like that but here it is.

How bout leaving it illegal, and create a streamlined procedure for kids who stay out of trouble for a few years to get things removed from their record?
No good can come of this.

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California legalizes child prostitution!

The corporate parties

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The corporate parties
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Hunters the best at wilderness survival?

If you intend first world modern persons. Probably not , though as always there would be some exceptions. Generally modern hunting is get up out of bed, go from the house/cabin/ tent. To some sort of breakfast, ride to the stand which may be heated. Wait, harvest, field dress, transport to the processor and pick up in a couple weeks. there are exceptions to this and varying degrees of participation and skill.

Maybe some of the subsistence hunters/fisher/gatherers in Alaska would qualify. But very few of us would qualify at the level of Otzi, or even the long hunters of yore.

I met a biologist that goes deep into Yellowstone and Glacier NPs and studies Grizzlies in the field from April -late September she had supplies airlifted or pack trained in and waste carried out . she said she wouldn't the 6 months and she studies how large omnivores survive.

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Hunters the best at wilderness survival?

Winter Storm

Everyone ready?

I am, for the snow. Not so much for the wind. Broke out the generator and fired it up, just in case. Found all the damn cords I made to hook the heat, water and other required items up to said generator. So far we haven't seen much, but we aren't supposed to get the worst of it until tomorrow. Power outages off and on, just a few seconds to a minute each.

Traffic lights were out on the other side of Fairbanks earlier. Again, not for long.

Hopefully, it rolls on through and we just get some well deserved snow. Sadly, we usually lose power for a while. Few days, maybe a week. Sucks, but not as bad as some of the folks in the hills, they can be left without power for a while.

As long as the wind is sorted by Saturday. I got a **** load of fireworks to fire off.

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Winter Storm

jeudi 29 décembre 2016

The long and the short of ATI SX2 12ga shotgun

For a while, American Tactical has offered a two barrel set with their SX2 shotgun. The shotgun itself is a competently built gas-operated semiauto manufactured in Turkey. It proved handy, low in recoil and compatible with a wide variety of ammunition. Being a riot gun fan myself — I’ve shot clays with Winchester Defender, TAC12[.....]

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The long and the short of ATI SX2 12ga shotgun

Stack-On Steel Security Cabinet

Every gun owner needs some kind of a lock up security cabinet for sensitive equipment, ammo, permits, papers, and important stuff. A full scale heavy duty safe is a good idea, but not everyone can handle such a beast or has the space to put one especially out of sight. Stack-On manufacturers a host of[.....]

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Stack-On Steel Security Cabinet

"Fake News" vs. "Real Agenda"

It seems lately that the MSM are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, looking at the shiny new toy called 'fake news'. But, what is the'real news' that is currently driving all this 'fake news' hysteria? 'Fake News' is just the newest dog and pony show, or, bread and circuses if you will. 'Fake News' is frantically trying to hide another, much more dangerous agenda. Someone has upset the apple cart.....

In my HO, the answer can be blatently found in the words of the old guru of the NWO himself, George Soros. In a column published this week in the on-line opinion site "Project-Syndicate, Soros gives a very clear picture of the NWO that he envisions for the USA as well as Europe, etc.

His views have been well known for many years. However, what I found to be most disconcerting were some of the opinions voiced in the comment section related to his article.

A few commenters were very unsupportive of Soros, and were able to well clarify their reasons as to why. Many more were deeply supportive of his agenda.

I am adding a few of those comments, some made many years ago. This NWO plan is not some 'shiny new thing'. Its been hiding in plain sight for decades for those who are interested enough to look.

The agenda literally calls for the ownership of the hearts and souls ~ cradle to grave of the non-elites. In other words, total subjugation to "The State". The saddest thing, is that that most will never educate themselves enough to even understand the goals of the NWO.

Some statements and comments from the sidebar of Soro's article:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

— David Rockefeller, Bilderberger Conference, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

“Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

— David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

— David Rockefeller

"But this present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for long. Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure of global interdependence."

---David Rockefeller, at the Business Council for the United Nations, September 14, 1994

“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”

— Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1992

“US must not stop Syrian resettlement. It would be a threat to ‘global governance’”.

International Rescue Committee -- David Miliband, former British Foreign Secretary who came to New York in 2013

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities...”

-- Zbigniew Brzezinski from his book "Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technotronic Era"

"This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan, which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept."

-- Zbignew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter

"Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It’s up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well – by creating the international child of the future"

-- Dr. Chester M. Pierce, Psychiatrist, address to the Childhood International Education Seminar, 1973

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas…”

-- G. Brock Chisholm, psychiatrist and co-founder of the World Federation of Mental Health

“We ... ourselves, who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others ... And that's precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine… States have to become more open states, in terms of the people who inhabit them; sovereignty is an illusion ... sovereignty is an absolute illusion that has to be put behind us."

—Peter Sutherland, UN migration chief & chairman at Goldman Sachs bank, who wants to use (Muslim) immigration to destroy European countries’ culture

This is the 'Agenda'. This is the 'Real' news.

Just some food for thought.

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"Fake News" vs. "Real Agenda"

Chicago plastic bag ban repealed

Back in Aug 2015 Chicago instituted a ban on plastic grocery bags, supposedly to benefit the environment and the problem of the lighweight plastic bags getting loose and blowing around getting stuck in bushes and trees.

Well, evidently those aren't as big a problem as everyone thought now that Raul Emmanuel figured out they could make retailers charge .07 per plastic bag of which the city get .05 so as of Jan 1st the ban will be repealed with the per bag charge going into effect Feb 1.

Seems Progressives really care about our environment ... until they realize they can make a buck if they change their tune.

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Chicago plastic bag ban repealed

Why a traditional IRA often makes more sense than a Roth IRA

There has been discussion in various threads lately about contributing to IRAs, and many people seem to have a strong preference for the Roth IRA. While each person's financial situation is somewhat unique, I believe that for many people, the traditional IRA may be a better choice. Allow me to illustrate this. Please note that factors such as state income tax, FICA, medicare, and inflation are not taken into account in the example below for the sake of simplicity.

Before we go further, let's make an important point. Most people, including many financial advisers, are unaware of this, but if the money going into your Roth IRA is taxed at the same rate as the money coming out of your traditional IRA, then you will have the exact same amount of money after taxes with both account types. For the sake of simplicity, I won't get into the math, but it's true. You can listen to the podcast below to verify this.

Consider a couple who are married filing jointly with a taxable income of $90,000. In 2016, this places them in the 25% marginal tax bracket. If they each contribute $5,500 to traditional IRAs for a total of $11,000, this will save them $2,750 of federal income tax this year, money which could (and should) be saved in an employer retirement plan (e.g. 401k, 403b) or a taxable account (more on that below). By contrast, if they contributed $11,000 to a Roth IRA, there would be no immediate tax savings.

After reaching age 59.5, this couple could begin taking standard withdrawals from their IRAs with no penalty (note that there are several methods whereby these funds can be accessed before this age with no penalty but the money is still taxed). Withdrawals from the Roth IRA are tax free, but withdrawals from the traditional IRA are taxed as earned income.

Let's say that after they retire, they still have the same living expenses, so they would need $90,000 per year from their traditional IRA. They would owe $11,905 of federal income taxes on that money. Yes, their marginal tax rate would still be 25%, but, more importantly, their effective tax rate (total taxes divided by their income) would only be 13.2%. Why? Because most of their retirement income would be taxed at the two brackets lower than 25%. So in reality, they will pay only 13.2% federal income taxes on their retirement income (25% - 11.8%), whereas all of the money going into their Roth IRA was taxed at 25%.

To put it another way, which would you prefer, to pay 25% tax on the money going into your piggy bank or 13.2% on the money you take out?

Someone might point out that if this couple could max out both retirement accounts that the Roth IRA would, effectively, have a higher balance going into retirement because all of its assets would be tax free. This is true, but it's at the expense of more money through more taxes paid on the front end. And if our couple was wise and took the savings from the traditional IRA and invested it each year into a savvy investment like an index fund with very low turnover (meaning very low taxes) or something like Berkshire Hathaway stock that pays no dividends (meaning no income taxes on gains until sold) and held it until retirement, when the gains are taxed at the much lower capital gains tax rates, which could easily be zero in this situation, using the traditional IRA would still be far superior.

The Roth IRA will result in fewer tax dollars paid, but we're not just trying to minimize tax dollars paid; we want the most after tax money available in retirement. When all the chips are on the table, our hypothetical couple will have more money in retirement with the traditional IRA. There's a big assumption here, though, which I address below.

If tax rates increase significantly between the time that the couple made the contributions to their IRAs and the time they withdraw them, then the Roth IRA might be preferable financially. But how much would they have to increase for this to occur? A lot! The traditional IRA results in a 13.2% effective tax rate in this situation, while the Roth IRA results in a 25% effective tax rate. So the total federal income tax (in terms of dollars) on a $90,000 annual income would need to nearly double to make the Roth IRA preferable in this situation. That seems like an awfully big gamble to me.

The major reason that the traditional IRA wins in this situation is because the couple is in the 25% marginal tax bracket during their working years, meaning that their Roth contributions are effectively taxed at that rate. If their income was low enough that they were in the 15% bracket, most, though not all, of the advantage of the traditional IRA would go away. It is for this reason that some financial advisers recommend that people in the bottom two income tax brackets contribute to the Roth IRA (usually on the assumption that the couples' income and tax brackets will increase later in their lives), but those in higher brackets should contribute to the traditional IRA.

Be aware that state income taxes can also change this situation. For instance, if you live in a state with no income tax like Washington during your working years but then retire to a state with high income tax like California, the Roth might be superior. If the situation were reversed, the traditional IRA would gain an even bigger advantage over the Roth.

There is another way that contributing to a traditional IRA is superior, and it's a strategy called Roth laddering. I won't get into all of the details but just want to mention it to those potentially interested, especially in early retirement.

I'm sure I've opened up a can of worms here, so let's see what everyone else thinks of all this!

Disclaimer: I am not a certified financial planner, and I am not offering investment or tax advice. The above scenarios are hypothetical only. You should consult a professional before making any investment or tax decisions.

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Why a traditional IRA often makes more sense than a Roth IRA



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Vacuum sealers

DefaultVacuum sealers

Was wandering if anybody had experienced bags losing Vacuum? I have a food saver brand mid range , I've found probably 6 or 8 bags out of 100 that seemed to lose vacuum. When I pulled on bag it wasn't snug to the meat, maybe I'm doing something wrong or just a pos machine. Any thoughts ? Thanks in advance

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Vacuum sealers

USGI Hot Weather Type II Boot, Size 8 1/2N

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USGI Hot Weather Type II Boot, Size 8 1/2N
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Getting Shot With Paintballs Video


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Getting Shot With Paintballs Video

Live camera on Bald eagle nest

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Live camera on Bald eagle nest
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Plano 58-qt. Small Storage Tub - $9.99


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Plano 58-qt. Small Storage Tub - $9.99

Bushmaster XM15-E2S .450 Bushmaster Carbine from $849


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Bushmaster XM15-E2S .450 Bushmaster Carbine from $849

Kerosene Heaters ?

DefaultKerosene Heaters ?

I have a 50,000 BTU Master Heater it works fine, and than suddenly stops all on its own. I checked the fuel system filter -nozzle all is clear. The plug seems to be tight no signs of shorting. I am guessing it is some type of electric issue
unfortunately not my strong point. If any one has a talent for fixing these ,I would love to hear it.

"If you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on."

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Kerosene Heaters ?

mercredi 28 décembre 2016

Steel plate shooting.. WOW!

Long story but love it...Been shooting all my life. Mostly pistols, .22 rifles, etc.. Been buying evil black rifles and ammo for the last few years but have really never got to shoot them.. Bought a Tavor X95 this summer, received an Acog 4x32 optic and a ten inch ar500 hanging target for Xmas. Went out with some friends today to an area I have access to but was all ways too "busy" to go to... set up some sight in targets. Also the 10" gong target. At about 70 yards my first three rounds were "high right, mid right, low right. I gave the rifle to a younger gentleman (yea he can still see) and he went "close high right, close mid right," etc... we took two clicks on the scope and I got back up to shoot at the targets again...(we were shooting off the top of an Utv with sand bags) all of a sudden they all said shoot the gong! Well, ok! I set the sights on the plate, and first round, that sucker made that sound and the next one and the next one... I have never had a more enjoyable afternoon of shooting. What a great optic, what a great gun, what a great round! (.223) I am in heaven, never have done this before or really shot a .223 like it should be.. sorry for the long post, but I see myself doing a LOT of this in the future.. Then we set up some trap, almost rolled a Utv, etc... But holy cow, shooting some steel for the first time... I'm not ever gonna be the same...

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Steel plate shooting.. WOW!