samedi 31 décembre 2016

OK, I'm gonna do it -- Need Help w/ RELOADING!

I've been dragging my feet for years now. My dad is a huge reloader and has been doing it for decades. My neighbors reload. Everyone I shoot with reloads and says I'm crazy to be taking all of these long-range precision rifle courses and not reloading my .338LM, .308, and 6.5CM brass. I also burn through an average of 500 rounds per month in each 9mm and .223/5.56.

I'm the type who only likes to buy the very best thing and buy it once. I don't even "cry once" because my dopamine high cancels out any regret.

That said, based upon my limited personal experience, I've settled upon Dillon for everything. I'm thinking an XL650 with various swap-out components for different calibers, or maybe two XL650s -- one each for handgun and rifle.

The 1050 seems to be best if you don't swap calibers frequently, but I don't have the room for a half-dozen different 1050's each with dedicated calibers.

So... in that vein, I need to make my list of kit that I'll need. I want as much "automated" equipment as possible that will handle large quantities so I don't need to do a lot of small batches. I want to be able to crank through 1,000+ rounds of any given caliber on any given day.

Wet and/or dry cleaner(s).
Sizing, etc.

I want to get every last thing all at once. I have experience locals that will help set everything up and school me (or do it for me if they can use my stuff -- Win! Win!).

I don't want to cheap-out. I just want to do it once and be done with it. I'm thinking something in the $5-6k range on all necessary hardware, tools, dies, etc. Then I'll load up on cases, primers, powder and projectiles, plus lube, media, cleaner, etc.

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OK, I'm gonna do it -- Need Help w/ RELOADING!

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