vendredi 2 décembre 2016

Gun law around world, chance for pro-gun changes in near future?

OK, topic mostly covered by american discussion over their laws. Unfortunately, nice part of world don't have literal 2nd amendent and access to guns wasn't easy. But in last 2 years, at least in Europe, something move in good direction.

Whole central and eastern part of Europe (except Belarus, last oldschool renmants of Soviet Union in Europe) now have discussion about gun law changes for more liberal and formed local militias (organized by countries and grassroots), Switzerland in case put by EU more restrict gun laws threatens
breaking trade, banking and open borders agreements with EU. In majority of countries, gun sells and visiting shooting ranges growth high. Even UK determined that the current gun licensing are disastrous for shooters. Your thoughs?

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Gun law around world, chance for pro-gun changes in near future?

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