samedi 24 décembre 2016

My eldest daughter has blue hair

So about two weeks ago, I came come to discover that Drudge Jr. has blue hair. Not the pale blue wash that the old ladies use to counteract nicotine yellow. Not the pale blue streak that seems to be popular in certain circles, but bold, loud, obnoxious blue.

She's 14 years old and she thinks she's a rebel. It's adorable, really. She thinks that she and her friends in the church youth group are so raucous and rowdy because they are the most active in volunteering at the soup kitchen. She thinks that she and her friends who take classes with the upperclassmen are cool because they are nerdy. She thinks that she and her friends in the Ag program are wild and crazy because they get to use power equipment and do "dangerous" jobs. She thinks that because she has found some success as an artist that she is some sort of countercultural icon.

So she thought she'd dye her hair blue to prove how much of a defiant rebel she is. I've decided to pick my battles. She doesn't "hang out" at the mall. She doesn't play video games. She's not a teen pregnancy or drug risk. Right now, she's trying her hand at acrylic on canvas figure painting.

In all of this, we did come to one accidental discovery. For the last year or more, she has been battling a rather persistent bout of lice. The lice are resistant to the shampoos, so Mrs. Drudge has been using an electrocution comb on her every three days for over a year, but one of them always survives to continue the infestation. But the combination of bleaching her first attempt back to blonde and redying it blue killed each and every last one of those little bastards, and all of their eggs, too.

So, despite the fact that I don't approve of her walking around with blue hair, I actually went out and bought the bleaching agent and dye as a SHTF anti-lice prep. I figure it will serve both as a devouring agent, and as ample warning who not to share hats and scarves with.

Now if I can only keep her on the straight and level when she goes to college. Those artistic types tend to be godless whinging liberals, and I don't need them either wearing down her better nature, or treating her unfairly because she retains her sanity.

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My eldest daughter has blue hair

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