dimanche 4 décembre 2016

Oakland Fire- Pajama Boys, Special Snowflakes, and Hipsters in Action

so instead of TRYING something, ANYTHING, they just collapsed in a puddle of tears and wringing hands as their fellows burned alive? I used to be scared that this batch of ******* was going to be the future of my country. I now realize that they will thin THEMSELVES out before too much longer. GOOD. I hope enough die in stupidity that California and it's 55 electoral votes can return to America.

I am beyond disgust at the absolute LACK of guts or a spine that these omega and beta males displayed.

No, I am not all teary-eyed at the death. live in a loft full of trash and paint supplies, only way out is a stairway made out of PALLETS (now I'm all about the DIY, but COME ON!!), win stupid prizes. Less democrat votes.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Oakland Fire- Pajama Boys, Special Snowflakes, and Hipsters in Action

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