samedi 3 décembre 2016

some bug out realities

There is a ALWAYS a reason to bug out, even if you live in what you intend as your BOL.

There are dozens and dozens of things that can occur to force you to leave your location and not all of them involve someone having to live in the city.

Bugging out simply means having to leave, for reasons or eminent threat, your primary residence.

If your "BOL" is your primary residence, you need a plan for if you had to leave it.

Say...flooding, mudslides, wild fire, house fire, damage due to severe weather conditions, the land and region can no longer sustain you (no game, drought ruins the land, etc), raiders/scavengers find the place, contamination brought in the air/wind, or any of many other types of events.

If you live there, and plan to stay there for most events, what you in fact have is a BIL...Bug In Location.

Just an FYI

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some bug out realities

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