jeudi 29 novembre 2018

Help me make a "Life Experiences" game

At Christmastime my family plays games instead of exchanging gifts. I'm always on the look-out for new ones.

I recently saw a "Life Experiences Bingo" game that seems like it would be fun -- the only problem is that it was designed for an Adult Sunday School class, so it listed experiences like: "I can name all 12 Apostles", "I can recite Psalm 23", and "I have witnessed to a stranger". While I think these are worthy, they don't exactly fit most of my family.

I have tried to think of some replacement experiences, but the things I come up with are all things that I have done -- I need some ideas that I haven't done myself.

We will have 15-20 people playing the game, and they are between the ages of 20 and 85. Can you guys help me come up with some family-appropriate "Life Experiences" to use?

Here are some of the ones I've got so far:

I can rub my stomach and pat my head at the same time.
I can speak a foreign language.
I can whistle through my fingers.
I can wiggle my ears.
I know how to play a musical instrument.
I can cross my eyes.
I’ve baked homemade bread before.
I’ve fainted or thrown up in public.
I've ridden on a motorcycle.
My picture has been printed in a newspaper.
I've milked a cow (or goat) with my own two hands.
I've gotten a ticket for speeding or for parking illegally.
I know how to play chess.
I've played an actual game of tennis or golf.
I've been the patient in an ambulance.
I've slept in a tent.
I've started a fire without matches or a lighter.
I've had more than 3 pets at one time.

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Help me make a "Life Experiences" game

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