jeudi 29 novembre 2018

Study Says Trump Supporters Are Wimps With Small Penises

Oh, the looney leftist media. And the MSM wonders why they get called Fake News. Can you even MAKE UP stuff like this?

Someone did a study and found that areas that supported Trump in 2016 also had lots of google searches for “erectile dysfunction” and also apparently for "what can I do about my small penis".

And these geniuses draw a conclusion:


But our research suggests that Trump is not necessarily attracting male supporters who are as confidently masculine as the president presents himself to be. Instead, Trump appears to appeal more to men who are secretly insecure about their manhood. We call this the “fragile masculinity hypothesis.”
And a main stream paper published this article - the Washington Post. The actual article is behind a paywall but I saw it on Twitchy.


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Study Says Trump Supporters Are Wimps With Small Penises

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