vendredi 30 novembre 2018

Nebraska expands Medicaid--"There's lots of rich people who can pay for it"

There was an initiative on the Nebraska ballot for the November election, to expand the state's Medicaid program.

To my surprise, it actually passed. Given that Nebraska is such a Red state.

The push for the expansion came from the Blue enclaves of metro Omaha and Lincoln. Who voted nearly 70% in favor.

Outstate areas voted overwhelmingly against.

The governor pointed out--that in the 1980's Medicaid took up about 8% of the state budget.

It has since ballooned to 25% of the state's budget. And the governor says that this voted-in expansion will increase it even more. And probably require a tax increase.

I was talking to an uber-liberal relative (my sister-in-law, a 20-something recent college grad), pointing out the above fact. I also mentioned that Nebraska has a 2.8% unemployment rate. And that there is no excuse not to find a job that has health insurance.

I also mentioned how badly we need infrastructure improvements, and the EXTREMELY high property tax burden that homeowners, small businesses, and farmers have to pay. (Nebraska is 3rd highest in the nation for property taxes).

She gave a very revealing answer, which I think illustrated perfectly the mind-set of your typical urban millennial liberal:

"There's plenty of rich people in the state, who can afford to pay more taxes!!!"

Three lessons I've learned from all this:

1) Young millennials today think that, if you have wealth or money, you are OBLIGATED to "share" for the "greater good of society".

2) Our metro areas are filled with raving Bernie-type socialist believers. Who advocate a radical "share-the-wealth" philosophy.

3) Even in supposedly "red" states, the "blue" metro city enclaves can outvote the rest of the state.

What do others think? Thoughts? Opinions?

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Nebraska expands Medicaid--"There's lots of rich people who can pay for it"

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