dimanche 22 avril 2018

Is platinum the best PM to buy now?

I think it’s kind of ridiculous that palladium, which is platinum light, is more than platinum right now. I have read that NO gas engine catalytic converters will not switch to platinum over palladium unless this inverted price remains for awhile because it is a very expensive process to retool for platinum. What is awhile? I don’t know. There’s also talk about a possible spike due to closed mines.

What spike am I talking about? Simple, all I would hope for is that some type of sentiment swing takes place (rumors that platinum will replace palladium, a spike due to the mine closures, etc) and results in platinum becoming even with gold, THEN I would immediately trade for gold!! What do you guys think the odds are that within 5 years something causes the platinum price to equal gold? What percentage chance? If you could care less about waiting 5 years, and you treated platinum as discounted gold right now, what are the odds that that strategy would work? In your opinion of course, I know that nobody could know.

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Is platinum the best PM to buy now?

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