lundi 30 avril 2018

What I observe about the differences in generational political attitudes.

I know this is just a meme and for those of you who can't help but throw out the NAXALT argument, I understand that this doesn't apply to literally everyone. Now that we have that disclaimer out of the way for the one who need their hands held and feels acknowledged...

This meme pretty much sums up what I see on places like, comment sections of some major news outlets, the comments on CNN's Twitter page, and on almost all of the blogs I scan daily, which currently totals about 60 to 70.

I also find it to be much more difficult to convince people that things are messed up the older they happen to be. The younger they are, the easier it is for them to accept things I say that are thought of as "crazy", like when I tell people that white Americans are actively being replaced by outbreeding and importation of third world savages. Or when I ask why the vast majority of Jews in the US vote democrat, support open borders and gun control and other SJW issues, but our Christian churches tell us that in order to "support Israel" we are supposed to vote republican. And older person rejects that and can't even bring themselves to respond to the question without using the phrase "anti-Semitic". But a younger person seems more likely to want to investigate that, wondering if that's the case, then why it is.

This thread doesn't have to have anything to do with my specific beliefs or how you feel about them. I'm just looking for some discussion on the differences between how the generations see things, especially the difference between Boomers and the Milennials/Gen Z. Milennials and Gen Z seem to be developing a radical sort of right wing segment that is growing angrier and angrier at the whole system in general, and they blame both sides.

Anther disclaimer: Yes, we all know that you people think everyone below the age of 35 is eating Tide Pods. Noted, for the eighteenth time. Try not to forget that a very large segment of the people who are fighting our wars are below 35.

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What I observe about the differences in generational political attitudes.

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