jeudi 26 avril 2018

Long shot:

I've asked before:

Long time back there was a story written online.

Started out with a feral dog attacking a cart.
The "hero" found a FR-8 stashed... and a good chunk of the story centered around what had been a truck stop.

I'd like to read it again, and anything else the author wrote (well written)
If you have a lead:

Also... a matching time back (10 years or more) I bought a paperback book.
Probably 400+ pages.
"Survivor" or something similar.

Dan was a cop who after "whatever" happened had his house ripped off, but had a Fal In the wall and then proceed to clean out the trailer park

Spider got what was coming to him from the girl

Few guys made a fort out of grandma's house... with help from the local gun store.
I have it around somewhere. .. but I wish I had it to look up the author to see if he's written ant more....
Book had flames over black on it, the author wrote most of it online and many of us prebought a bound copy (before Kindle.)

They never got as popular as Shatter or lights out.... but should have (same era)

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Long shot:

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