It was my CCW until Kahr came out with the MK40. This is a totally different concept in manual of operation then the HiPower; and one I like.
I now have a second full frame (mostly) pistol in acquiring an HK USP compact also in .40SW in the variant that is double/single action with de-cocker and NO safety.
It is my opinion that having a CCW without a safety is a good thing; it is one less thing to remember to manipulate when you are trying to put a hole in the chest of the bad guy trying to do harm to you. Essentially, the holster and long trigger pull are the "safety" along with strict adherence to the four rules.
Since I have the MK40, these (mostly) full size pistols are a little bit redundant to each other; as in that I would open carry either one or the other. But, the HK seems to win out over the Browning for a couple of reasons in my mind.
Oh, and I got a KILLER deal price on the HK that will not be mentioned. I can make KILLER $$$ profit by flipping it.
I've NEVER sold a firearm before, I tend to keep them once they are mine. Now it seems I might have one to many.
Any else already have a similar experience?
Now Have Two Full Frame Pistols in .40SW
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