jeudi 19 avril 2018

Prison Survival

Interesting topic... curious to see any suggestions..

I've seen numerous posts suggesting that it's better to be tried by 12 than to be carried to the grave by 6...which is true, until those 12 come back with a guilty verdict....

Also read numerous posts suggesting carrying concealed handcuff keys, lockpicks, etc for "E&E"...

Jails & Prisons have a cure for those...metal detectors & strip I wouldn't plan on keeping any ninja toys or James Bond escapes..

Basically, everyone is strip searched & issued shower shoes & a jumpsuit and then tossed into a housing unit...often gang controlled....

Any supplies much be purchased from the facility "canteen" items like Ramen noodles, transistor radios, etc...

Only weapons would be "slocks"...a padlock (many facilities have Inmate lockers) slipped inside a sock...or shanks (improvised stabbing weapons)...

No way to accumulate any preps...not even water.... basically screwed because inmates are at the mercy of the facility... totally dependant for food.. water.. medical name it...

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Prison Survival

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