mercredi 11 avril 2018

Shopping Trip, May Be Your Last

The scenario:
Things are starting to fall apart everywhere. You figure there is a very good chance the SHTF in a few days. You have all your long term supplies, 25 year food, water, etc. You make one last trip to the store for more short term supplies. You have plenty of money. What do you buy and where do you shop?

Here is a possible list of things I would buy. I'd go to WalMart because everything is there in one store.
Two cases of SPAM
50 cans Asst Soups
20 lbs of Sugar
10 lbs of Salt
2 pkg Corn Tortillas
30 cans Solid Tuna
30 cans of Fruit
10 cans each Corn, Chili Beans, Green Beans, Baked Beans, Tomatoes,
Case of Instant Potatoes
Case of Pancake Mix
20 lbs Flour
20 lbs Corn Meal
20 lbs Rice
4 2½ lb Jars Peanut Butter
2 3 lb cans Coffee
6 3 lb jugs of Honey
2 3 lb cans Gator Ade Mix
2 cases Cat Food

2 Cases of Rum

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Shopping Trip, May Be Your Last

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