dimanche 1 avril 2018

Stop the Climate Action Plans Video - Government abuses


This is a long video (1.5 hours) but it points out a lot of the rationale behind what all of us have been watching unfold for many years --- the Globalist’s unending quest for a New World Order by waging environmental and economic warfare, all achieved through monitoring and control of we the sheeple. Global warming is their weapon of choice and universal ignorance is the vehicle that will deliver it. As preppers, citizens who love their nation, rational and thinking people, and American patriots, this is certainly good food for thought --- no matter your political persuasion. I don’t know much about the producers and I can’t vouch for their level of accuracy nor their motives. But it makes sense to me, from my own experience and my quest to determine what motives are driving this liberal insanity that is hell bent on bankrupting and controlling everyone in the name of freedom and equality (world domination?) and an end to global warming. This material is obviously drawn on prior work about the Bilderberger group and associated conspiracy theories. Mogli even had a post about them going back three years (http://www.survivalistboards.com/sho...pons+quiet+war).

Put on your open minded tin hat. Get a cup of coffee and watch at least the first 30 minutes. That will give you some things to consider in light of what has been actually happening over the last few decades or so, looking back at prior government programs starting in the 30s... goal/outcome of our education systems, Obama doubling the debt, his myriad scandals all covered up by his allies in government and the media, Global warming hysteria's effect on our economy, and leftist activism on campus, monitoring and spying by Face Book and other outlets, media manipulation, propaganda and fake news to drive their globalist agenda, big brother technology monitoring everyone, etc. The thing I like best is that much of what is actually happening today is rooted in plans and goals that evolved in the 30s, 40s into the 60s. Early on, “planners” saw the need to monitor and collect data on citizens and to craft our educational delivery systems in a way as to dumb down the lower classes to keep them obvious to what those who are actually in control are doing. The rest of the video delves into global warming… the means of eliminating the use of natural gas while driving towards the final goal of “zero CO2 emissions by 2050” (Bill Gates).

Consider who is really in charge of America... hint: the globalists and NOT we the people. Think about how the DOE, EPA, NSA, IRS, FBI, CIA, AG, etc. have been effectively used as political weapons to advance the agenda of the left and to marginalize conservatives. How our government has become too big and bloated to succeed. How we are inundated with technology that can monitor and spy on us and collect data --- cameras everywhere, cameras at lights giving out tickets, smart devices in cars, on our phones and computers, etc. Our "government" has been waging environmental and economic warfare on us now for decades to achieve total control. They control education, the media, the economy and they survey, track and monitor virtually everything we do. Obama instituted THOUSANDS of regulations that crippled our economy and stood on the air hose of working Americans, in the name of equality, combating climate change and “giving everyone a fair shot.” Their goal is to create a world full of ignorant and unaware people who are subject to manipulation by the global elites who "know better." The dumber we get, the easier it is to take away our rights, our guns, our means of economic survival and our freedom. Agree or disagree with this video but at least consider the overall message in the context of what YOU actually see happening today. The movie Idiocracy couldn't describe the outcome of these globalist objectives better! They ARE winning.


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Stop the Climate Action Plans Video - Government abuses

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