The Real Reason the Left Hates the 2ndA
This is a post by a JD Parks on Facebook:
" If history has shown us anything, it is that tyranny, whether by despot, central committee, or “democratic majority,” cannot exist for long without a scapegoat. A visible, unpopular minority is needed. One large enough to be perceived and portrayed as a threat, but not large enough to actually present one. These are then segregated, vilified, and systematically stripped of liberty and property, then, eventually, life itself. They give the rulers a convenient scapegoat at which to direct the ire of the masses, and serve as a surrogate target, drawing such attention away from those holding the reins. But, first, that minority, whether ethnic, religious, political or social, must be disarmed and rendered helpless. Enter: GUN CONTROL. Depriving the hated out-group of arms is the first step. Without it, they become an actual impediment to the ruling class. It is exceedingly difficult to force a group of people (even such savage pariahs) into confined areas, and strip them of liberties and possessions if they can actually have the means to resist. This dynamic has played out time and again throughout human history, from the ancient mists of time before written language was commonplace, to right now, TODAY. It has been done with greater or lesser degrees of success, but always with the same goal: monopoly of force begets consolidation of power. Now, in our own country, we’re seeing a well-funded and well-organized push for citizen disarmament, and a growing disregard by government for both civil liberties and any sort of accountability to the people it was formed to serve. This is no coincidence. In order to establish absolute rule, the commoners MUST be disarmed to the greatest extent possible. It’s just “common sense.” So, my question for the people, common or ruling class, campaigning tirelessly for “common sense gun control,” is: WHO DO YOU WISH TO SEE OPPRESSED? Which hated minority do you so desperately want rendered helpless so you may hurt them? There MUST be one. There is no other logical reason for your stated goal. Or, haven’t you thought that far ahead? Better think about it, and identify just who it is you want “put somewhere” for a later “final solution.” If you don’t, you may find YOURSELF being listed among the pariahs." Kind of reminds me of a certain German Dictator from the 1930's. Are we too stupid to stand up and prevent history repeating itself???? |
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