vendredi 23 novembre 2018

The Dinner

Since Thanksgiving is just past, I wanted to recall a dinner I was invited to many years ago as a young sailor.

I was TDY on the USS Saratoga which was in Brooklyn at the Naval shipyard in New York City, I found myself one afternoon in a Penny arcade. I struck up a conversation with a cute little honey and after some lite conversation, I asked her if she wanted to go out. She informed me her parents didn’t allow her to go out with anybody unless they met him first, so my question to her was, how do I get to meet her parents? She invited me home for dinner that same evening.

Her mother was the biggest woman I have ever met in person. She was well over six feet tall, and probably weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of 600 pounds. Someone told me that she was a city employee, and worked in the Holland Tunnel. Apparently, they tied a rope around her middle and fasten the other end to a pickup truck and pulled her through the tunnel to clean it.

We sat around and had the usual conversations about this and that and it came time to sit at the table and have dinner. There were eight of us altogether, the Mom, Dad, the sweet little honey who invited me over for dinner, and her four brothers, and me of course.

First came a huge platter of mashed potatoes, followed by a great big bowl of gravy, some corn on the cob was on another great big platter, then came a bowl with a mixed salad in it, and finally, mom brought in a plate with five pork chops on it. I was in a lot of fights when I was a young man, but this fight broke out as soon as that platter of pork chops hit the table and I want you to know it was mean and it was nasty. Knives and forks were flashing, it was downright scary. However, I have to be perfectly honest here, the three pork chops I got were delicious.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


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The Dinner

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