mercredi 22 juillet 2015

Early Warning Network

What do you use for early warning/ intelligence gathering for various potential disasters?

My first line of defense is my radio scanner. I work in a major metro area and have my scanner set to local PD and FD. This lets me know, ahead of the general public, of many potentially dangerous situations. Most of the time you don’t have to hear the first call from dispatch to understand the danger. Many times I can discern the unusual activity I am monitoring for just by the vocal tone, duration, and speech pattern of the radio traffic. Certain phrases are always giveaways… Shooting…Scene is not secure, is one of them. Here in the city, during Ferguson and after I was able to monitor possible civil unrest and plan accordingly, mostly just avoiding the area and sometimes leaving early for the day or even setting the building I work in on lock down. Other things I listen for are active fugitive/ suspect searches, reports of large groups of people, business owners requesting police for crowd control/traffic control for long lines at gas stations, banks, ATMs. When I am out at large local events like Festivals and State Fairs, I always try to find the in house security/ operations frequencies to monitor.
Social Media especially twitter has been useful for tracking potential protest movements. Get to know the local organizers/antagonizers in your area on twitter and you can track when an where they will protest. Weather Alerts and Breaking news items outside of the immediate area. Most News outlets will let you sign up for Breaking News alert texts. Your local NOAA, CERT, and many PD and FD departments all have twitter accounts.
Of course this website for the big stuff – ebola, terror attack, national stuff.
I use the RSOE EDIS text alert for international events and earthquakes.
The suspicious 0bservers site has been a daily watch for me on the way to work in the morning to see whats up in the solar system. Thanks to 13ella for that one.
For Local Traffic events MDOT (Missouri Dept of Transportation) has a great app that uses realtime traffic monitoring data to show on a map or text alert for traffic incidents and road closures. It will even show road closures due to flooding statewide. These are probably available for your metro area and state as well.

Early Warning Network

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