jeudi 23 juillet 2015

Invasive Internet Tracking and Survivalist Boards

I'm hesitant to make this post, as it could well be deleted and get me banned. I'm a big fan of SB, and have no axe to grind with the board, staff, etc. That said, I've recently switched to "Epic Privacy Browser" and, while it does affect certain aspects of convenience while browsing, does some pretty "epic" things to protect the user's privacy that no other browser will.

One of the neat features is that it tallies "trackers" on websites. These are the little snippets of code "secretly" installed on your computer without the user's knowledge. If you're using ANY other browser, your every mouse-click is being diligently tracked and permanently logged, and that data is being accrued and used to profile you, at the most intimate levels (especially if you use Facebook, Gmail, Google, etc).

I'm ALL for free market capitalism and profit -- the more the merrier. As someone who, only recently, has become "self-aware" and who (now) jealously guards their privacy and loathes invasion of such, I am a bit disappointed in SB and just how many "trackers" and sophisticated adware services they use to monetize their site (completely their right, as a business). SB is *much* better than any mainstream corporate for-profit website, as they still seem to permit unfettered access to the forums even using the full privacy mode in Epic. That said, according to Epic, SB has a dozen or more different tracking nuggets (my word) with each click trying to ferret out your your data.

I guess this just rubs me the wrong way, and I know full-well that I'm completely free to NOT use SB should I object to the extent of the mining of my personal browsing data. I guess I was hoping SB was something of a digital enclave of privacy, but the almighty dollar must win out -- and I likewise understand that SB is a for-profit business, first and foremost. I AM encouraged that SB permits what seems to be full function using an extreme privacy-centric browser like Epic, which is much to their credit. Just know that, if you're using any "standard" web browser -- REGARDLESS OF YOUR PRIVACY SETTINGS -- your usage is being extensively tracked, reported, and shared by a number of third-party corporations.

I would segue into a somewhat related topic, I would also assume that SB is no stranger to likely frequent .GOV requests for user information on posters here. SB attracts a variety of "interesting" individuals (myself included) who don't always post the most innocuous things, which likely attracts scrutiny of the ever-watchful eye of Big Brother. I know SB CANNOT discuss any such things openly for fear of incurring the wrath of [insert government agency here], but just know this is a very real reality of the world we now live in. Be thoughtful with your posts.

Data is forever.

Invasive Internet Tracking and Survivalist Boards

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