mercredi 22 juillet 2015

SHTF/Prepper novels - Why so much detail?!

Alright guys,

I know I'm new to the forum, but I've been thinking about this for a while... I read quite a lot, and being interested in prepping and SHTF scenarios I happen to read a few novels based on that subject, I love the stories, they're not usually the best written but they're always entertaining, and I mean no offence by that, but a lot of the writers are really involved in this life, they're not simply writing a novel, they're often writing out a possible event that could well effect themselves.

To get to the point; my only problem with these books is, and not all writers are guilty of this, but they use way too much detail! I don't have a book with me at the time of writing this post so don't have an example to post, but two I noticed were bad for this were Patriots and Going Home, now I enjoyed both (Patriots up to a point, I stopped when they went to war with the gov ffs).
I just don't need to know the exact spec of the weapon the characters were using, the brand of the knife or the type of ammunition used etc.
It just makes these books sound like some sort of action packed advertisement, ruining it for me at least.

Would you guys agree?



SHTF/Prepper novels - Why so much detail?!

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