mardi 21 juillet 2015

What are the deepest lessons you've learned from Martial Arts?

I dropped out of Karate for a time, largely for financial and familial reasons, and have now restarted. My absence from the dojo taught me a few things.

One, for reasons I can't explain, training for violent encounters gives me an unexplainable sense of peace. I lose the desire to fight the more I train for it. This has proven to be true not only for Karate, but also for the tactical pistol training I'm undertaking. It's almost as if the path to serenity lies through training for war.

Two, it's the journey not the destination. One of my previous frustrations was that I didn't feel like I was learning practical material as quickly as I wanted to. Learning martial arts requires you to rethink your time frame.

Three, some things are best experienced. I used to be upset that I didn't know the meaning of all the moves in any given kata. What I came to experience is the fact that, sooner or later, you provide the meaning to the moves. In that way, you know them at a deeper level than if someone showed you one possible explanation. When you've performed a kata a few hundred times, you begin to see applications well beyond what you were originally thought possible.

So what are some of the deeper lessons you've learned from the martial arts?

What are the deepest lessons you've learned from Martial Arts?

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