jeudi 23 juillet 2015

Hello from New jersey


Great site/board. I am officially new to being a survivalist/prepper, but realize that it has been in my blood since I was a kid. I was an electronic technician and became a Mechanical Engineer, so I was always hands-on, and have been a MacGuyver type. As a home-owner suffering through several power outages, especially during hurricane Sandy with the gas crisis, I have been hooked on preparing.

I live in the shadows (about 8 miles) of NYC and do worry a little about another 9-11, especially a nuke.

My biggest issue has been trying to wade through all of the information out there in my pursuit of trying to prioritize, purchase equipment, organize documents, and stock up on water and food. There is really an information overload, often leading one down the path of someone trying to sell you the latest and greatest overpriced thing you can't possibly do without.

It's great to see this forum so well organized while providing continual information.

Hello from New jersey

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