mardi 7 juillet 2015

This Is What Will Sink Cankles-Clinton

Just saw this headline on WND.

Please take note that none of the GOP candidates are openly talking about Democratic/Hillary gun-running.
Once this breaks, Hillary is done and gone.

They are still propelling the "Dead Heroes Of Benghazi -- and why didn't we save them?" false narrative.

The WND story is the real narrative of Benghazi FYI.

And even the GOP barely wants to touch it, because prominent GOP wonks in the senate and congress were aware completely of the gun-running... ergo they needed to control the narrative.

I cannot wait for Donald Trump to sink his teeth into this story.
None of the other clowns will touch it at all if you have noticed.

Trump is going to rip this apart and bring it to light.

This Is What Will Sink Cankles-Clinton

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