mardi 21 juillet 2015

Maybe my last letter to my elected representatives.

Good afternoon Sir,

It has been a few months since my last letter, and just look at the progress your good friends on the left have made in a “Post Christian America”.
Do you not get it? The Democratic Party is the single biggest symbol of slavery in American History! They are still using the tactic of compromise just like the Missouri Compromise of 1820 that made Missouri a slave state and Kansas free. The vast majorities of blacks in this country are sadly still in bondage; look around from the ghettos of East Los Angeles to Memphis and Baltimore and all points in between North, South, East and West.
Make no mistake your enlightened colleagues on the left still want to make more slave states than free.

What has happened to the Party of Lincoln and Ike that freed the slaves, integrated the schools and military which was definitely the right thing to do
From the perspective of history it is almost comical watching the Democrats wail against the evils of the Rebel battle flag. Especially when they hold so many in the land of the free in chains and only lust after more slaves and they do not care what skin color they have, in their mind more slaves equals more political power, the same argument used by Democratic slave owners of old.
If slavery is not abolished in all forms even political bondage with velvet shackles which is just as damaging to mind, body and spirit has those made of iron, destroying both people and nations.

What today’s progressive Democratic slave owners really fear is any symbol, organization, or document that could spark or organize a rebellion whether real or political in nature, hence the all out assault on the Church and the Constitution and everything they represent, especially when they are so close to the ultimate goal of more slave states than free.

Would it not be Ironic if the Rebel Battle flag of the “D” Jefferson Davis was used in the end to finally free American Blacks from the shackles of their benevolent Democratic Overlords? The same could be said of the Gadsden flag used by the Tea Party from the Revolutionary War period.

While the American people were distracted by deliberate democratic caused racial divides, our all wise and knowing judges on the Supreme Court decided that they were smarter than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!? God chose Israel and Americas Founding Fathers chose God.

The ink had not yet dried on the Supreme Court’s decision and our benevolent leader allowed the most dangerous regime since the Nazis a pathway to open Pandora’s Box!?

To add insult to injury my beloved Marine Corps was ordered by the Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the United States of America to transition from the silent drill team to the dancing drag queens with rainbow flags included.

Just days later Five of my Brothers were killed in action on American soil in Tennessee by Islam’s war against America and many of the progressive enlightened ones want to call Islamic nations good friends and allies and Islam the religion of peace.

America can send it’s sons and daughters half way around the world armed to the teeth with every weapon of war at their disposal in order to defend other peoples freedom and liberty’s even those who do not want it nor do they know what to do with it once it has been secured for them by the selfless sacrifice of American blood but these same veterans are not allowed the basic right of self defense in their own land!?

Donald Trump is one arrogant son of a gun but at least he has the intestinal fortitude to say what many in middle class America are thinking and the truth always makes people uncomfortable, for his blunt speech I am grateful. We may have another John Hancock in the making only time will tell. Right now he has my support; since professional politicians have proven time and time again as the disease masquerading has the cure.

Your esteemed cohorts on the left have only a few things left to accomplish. One, Legalize pedophilia, Two, shut the doors on churches and or through legal action force publishers of the Bible to delete what they deem hate speech from Gods word. Three, make the Constitution, Un- Constitutional and or attempt to disarm the last FREE PEOPLE on earth and not necessarily in that order! Of course it will all be done to protect the children from their parents when in actuality they need to be protected from the Government.

Do not scoff and say that these things will not happen, your close associates on the left and their minions are willing to do and say anything to advance the progressive cause of slavery, they have accomplished so much in the last six years with little to no opposition and they are keeping their word to every leftwing organization from the LGBTA, NAMBLA, HSUS, Planned Parenthood and the BRADY BUNCH etc all in bed together under the rainbow flag why would their Constituents not feel happy and emboldened, when they are so close to utopia.

What have those on the right delivered NOTHING except false hope and empty promises of future elections? One would do well to remember that silence is consent. My family where Republicans in this State when Republican was a dirty word and sadly I will never vote for the lesser of two evils again.

In good conscience I cannot vote for godless Communist masquerading has Democrats.

On principle I will not vote for spineless cowards masquerading has Republicans.

Without the aid of the internet our Founding Fathers while not perfect where without a doubt the most intelligent group of Statesmen ever assembled on Americas shores in which American Patriots are now called Un-Patriotic and since history always repeats itself, if any American refuses to submit to this so called progress we may soon be homeless, dead or interred for thought crimes and or Free speech.

Ben Franklin “A Republic Sir if you can keep it”.

Apparently the politicians and judges we have now are collectively smarter than God, so one could surmise there is no longer a need for the King James Bible, neither elections nor the Constitution, so let the chips fall where they may and the devil be damned!

Respectfully Submitted and Semper Fidelis. GySgt USMC Retired

Maybe my last letter to my elected representatives.

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