jeudi 30 novembre 2017

The Divinely Inspired Constitution


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The Divinely Inspired Constitution

A CZ 550 Engraved Rifle in 375 H&H Magnum Named ?Rytá?

Here we have a carefully hand-crafted, beautifully-engraved with gold inlays, CZ 550 from Czech Republic in 375 H&H Magnum called*“Rytá.” It also has a beautiful walnut stock with a Buffalo carved on the weak side. It’s engraved “One of One” since no guns turn out the same even if they are done by the same[.....]

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A CZ 550 Engraved Rifle in 375 H&H Magnum Named ?Rytá?

Kate Steinle verdict


Originally Posted by PA_RobertView Post
Not even guilty of manslaughter.

Only felony weapons charge.


Instead of trying to disarm us the liberals need to make sure the people who kill someone pay the price for it.
An illegal immigrant who was stupid enough to take pills he found in a dumpster, broke into a car and stole a gun left there by a cop and killed an innocent girl might actually be set free.
They're saying he may get time served for the gun charge and be released.
This is beyond ridiculous

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Kate Steinle verdict

Climate Change. The Rains are Coming!

So, how many of you are prepping for these heavy rain storms & expected floods, worst in decades? I hear the people in Ireland are suing their government for inaction on global warming, I wonder if we can do the same?

Due to our government being corrupt to the core, we missed the chance of a lifetime to be leaders in the solar industry, we missed to boat big time, too late now.

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Climate Change. The Rains are Coming!

New build... Pole barn 40x42

DefaultNew build... Pole barn 40x42

So I have pole barn electric yet, but was curious what all you guys use yours for besides normal storage. Was wanting to use for some food storage but not sure considering extreme temp. Changes. As of right now not much in there,so I just think what all should I do?

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New build... Pole barn 40x42

CZ-USA 805 BREN S1 223 Rem 11" 30RD Black from $1229 shipped


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CZ-USA 805 BREN S1 223 Rem 11" 30RD Black from $1229 shipped

How much could the market drop in one day....???

The fast answer is probably about 10%.

"Aug 24, 2015 - The largest single-day point decline for the Dow remains September 29, 2008, when the index fell nearly 778 points, or almost 7%, at the offset of the financial crisis on a day when Congress rejected an early bank bailout plan."

But this percentage is sort of meaningless without context. Market "Value" is calculated by ratios of cost of shares versus earnings or profits - recent and expected.

Market movements, however, also reflect human emotions such as exuberance or greed, or fear of loss. The rise of the bitcoin in valuation represents greed - as investors pile in to attempt to cash out. The same thing is seen in reverse when the selling begins - investors get scared and attempt to bail out of their holdings, igniting races to the bottom.

Neither movement is reflective of the actual market value of any individual stock.

Point is, that even if a market loses 50% of it's value in one horrendous day of panic selling, there will be those with cash in hand, waiting "trembling with greed" as Warren put it, to purchase shares at fire sale prices -- because the market fundamentals haven't changed to any great extent, and once the emotion is removed from the investor thought process the value of those shares is going to rise once again.

So market corrections occur - sometimes horrendous ones, however, if your portfolio is properly positioned for the long term, your losses are going to be mitigated when the market rises again following the loss.

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How much could the market drop in one day....???

John Conyers hospitalized

I see John Conyers has suddenly been admitted to the hospital for stress related problems. What a bunch of BullS**t! Isn't this a safe haven for a democrat to hide in from the sexual assault accusers coming out of the wood work. This is just another indication that more women will come forward to point the finger at him, thus the reason to hide..

Ted Kennedy found the ultimate way to dodge responsibility for assaulting and murdering women, he died. I wonder if Conyers and Franken will ever face the responsibility for what they did?

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John Conyers hospitalized

Myth Of the Bug Out Vehicle

In the survivalist community there is a mindset that someone needs a special vehicle to evacuate (bug out). The bug out vehicle is a myth. Even to talk about buying a "special" vehicle to bug out is a waste of time and resources.

However, if someone lives in an area prone to natural disasters, and evacuating is a real concern, then there is hardly anything better than a SUV. Do you need to buy a special SUV as a bug out vehicle? Nope. Let it be your daily driver.

A good quality SUV provides three things that would be needed during an evacuation - seating, storage and fuel economy.

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Myth Of the Bug Out Vehicle

Federal Ammo 5.56m for 25 cents per round and free shipping!


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Federal Ammo 5.56m for 25 cents per round and free shipping!

Sig Sauer P229 Classic Carry 9mm Handgun from $678


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Sig Sauer P229 Classic Carry 9mm Handgun from $678

Career politicians


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Career politicians

Age related prepping

This is a good thread its worth looking after the older folk.. I don't have much to say being in my 40's except.

getting walking fit is probably a good idea. Humans are designed to cover large distances in a stretch, we in fact do it better than most of the animal kingdom. The good news is both our quite young and quite old are designed to keep up with the herd, barring major disability of course.

Network with younger folk/preppers/hunters as much as possible. They will be a useful asset and if they have any brains will also work out an old prepper with wisdom is one of the most useful assets they will ever come across.

Do what old animals do. As you said, plan shorter term, be efficient, conserve energy, aim to win the small plays with short sharp moves, make things count, stay nearer sources of food and water

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Age related prepping

What brands do you buy for first aid

My company sent me to a school 2 nights a week and during class they had a group from the american heart association give a class.

It was very basic but it made me realize how much I overlooked something so important. I also found out not all bandages are created equal the ones we practiced with suck, the rolled gauze kept stickin to my fingers.

Ill seek more training later but i dont have any first aid kits at the house, in my van, or my personal truck. I dont have a bunch of money to spend, but i also dont want to waste my money on cheap crap.

I want to do everything in my power to protect my co-workers on the jobsite and maybe even victims of a terror attack or car wreck.

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What brands do you buy for first aid

References to understand how the world works

Hello all,

A good portion of my preparedness revolves around understanding how things work. What do I need to build or create x, and where do I get the tools and resources to do that? How do I get from an empty field to a pizza? How do I refine petroleum? How would I recreate modern communications from scratch after an EMP? I read and study this information, and save it for later reference. Usually studying a topic leads me to more and more areas to understand, then tracing every resource back to its raw materials. But I'm running out of areas to research...

Ive scoured the internet for resources like, the gigantic and the fantastic Ive gone through all the "Survival Resources" sections on all the preparedness websites, and I think I have something on just about every topic covered and just about every raw material mapped. In addition to online resources, one of my favorite sources of inspiration is the outstanding book "The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch" by Lewis Dartnell.

As I'm sure people will ask, I have my information (getting close to ~270GB) stored in a couple locations including a copy on a laptop, and a kindle with memory cards and a solar charger stored in a shielded case.

With the handicap that you don't know what all is in my collection, Id like to ask for input from the learned members of this forum on topics/subjects that I may not have thought of. What skills or areas of knowledge do people overlook? Id like to hear your favorite sources of checklists, cheetsheets, handbooks, reference books, maps, archives, manuals, etc.

Thanks in advance!

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References to understand how the world works

mercredi 29 novembre 2017

Ruger?s Latest Revelation: Super Redhawk 10mm

Ruger Firearms has done it again. In this case it is a new option in a time-proven design, i.e. the Super Redhawk, which will now be chambered for the 10mm Auto. Who would have ever seen this coming? The outward profile of the 10mm Super Redhawk remains more or less the same. The barrel is[.....]

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Ruger?s Latest Revelation: Super Redhawk 10mm

Gear Review: Keeper Magnetic Gun Mounts


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Gear Review: Keeper Magnetic Gun Mounts

Too much wild pig meat


Originally Posted by RaliothView Post

Seriously wish I had that kind of meat problem. Maybe a bigger freezer in the interim? Store at a friends house until you can process it?.

Good luck!

Thank you.

I'm kinda partially doing this as a SHTF prep/preview.

I have a 14.8 and the better part of a 5 cubic foot freezer full.
I'm a food horder, when I find a good deal...

And part of the reason I have so many jars of (home) canned food is when your one person with 1/2 a pig and 1/2 a cow in the freezer, and then start buying $5.15/lb leftover primecribs and cutting ribeys, you buy an entire 32lb chuckeye and cut it into steaks ($2.50/lb) you buy 20lb boxes of bacon for $17, $2.20/lb brisket....

You end up with TOO MUCH food (1st world problems)

I do NOT need ANOTHER freezer to fill up! I've actually not been allowing myself to hit more than a few fresh things for several months now. (And then I had the trip to the gulf coast at the best part of shrimp season....)
Some shrimp is going in the freezer and some jars will replenish the seafood stock...

I have access to a walk in cooler that I can butcher and hang the hogs in till I can give them away

There's some little old ladies, students, families with kids etc that will gt big chunks of meat.

But Americans are Ill prepared to deal with volumes of food.
(I have 5 or 6 pressure canners.)
I kinda hate to can chunks of pork, but it might come to that.

But (although I suspect the pigs will be on their place to stay...
I'd like to pretend this is a one shot deal and put up enough canned pork for a few years, and.....?

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Too much wild pig meat

The whole of Australia now in range of North Korean missiles!!!

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The whole of Australia now in range of North Korean missiles!!!

BO to local Military base



Originally Posted by rustednailView Post

Just an idle thought.....if/when the many consider bugging out to a nearby military base?

What makes you think that your be allowed to?
Father, husband, son, Marine.

"A terrorist is only as strong as the fear he creates."

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BO to local Military base

Students protest Trump tax cuts--"a free graduate/PhD degree is a RIGHT!"

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Interesting article (and picture) about UC Davis students protesting Trump's proposed tax cuts: ...

Students protest Trump tax cuts--"a free graduate/PhD degree is a RIGHT!"

Brain tan


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Brain tan

Paypal question


Without a bank account, a paypal account can be created but won't be verified. Not being verified limits the amounts and number of transactions able to be done under that account.

I say normally not verified as if you have an active paypal credit card, you are considered verified and awhile back, you didn't need to provide bank information to get one of those. The normal verification route is to provide bank information.

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Paypal question

feel sorry for the cashless masses

Had a bit of an eye-opening experience this last weekend that I thought I'd share...

Was doing a little Christmas shopping, actually only had 1 thing that cost about $14 after tax, but the line in the store was ridiculously long. I went to the middle of the line and asked the lady there how long she'd been waiting, she replied about 45 minutes!

So, I had this great idea: just go to the front of the line, offer the person a $20 bill from which they could keep the change if they'd just buy my item along with whatever else they were buying, and hand it to me on the way out. Simple, right? I thought it was a pretty great idea because my time is more valuable than $4/hour, and I only had 1 small item. No way would I attempt this with a full cart or anything. Nobody quite understood what I was asking, a few people freaked out thinking I was trying to scam them or something, others were like "I don't carry cash, I can't give you change..."

It was like nobody knew how cash works anymore, just swipe your plastic and you don't have to think. Finally someone with a brain helped me out, and I got out of there in 5 minutes. I feel sorry for all these people that don't use/understand cash can bet they'll be the first to panic if/when the grid is interrupted and their plastic is useless.

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feel sorry for the cashless masses

VIP membership

I paid for the VIP membership day before yesterday and it still shows an "Upgrade to VIP" and when I click a post in the VIP section it gives me an "pablof, you do not have permission to access this page" message.

Can someone please upgrade my account?


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VIP membership

Another one bites the dust.... Matt Lauer Fired!

NBC and the Today show fired Matt Lauer for inappropriate, sexual harassment.

I believe this is just the beginning.......

Women everywhere are being empowered to be courageous.

I just hope a truly innocent man or woman isn't taken down in this may lay.

But these men in powerful positions, who think they are invincible..... need to bite the dust. Arrogant pricks!!!!

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Another one bites the dust.... Matt Lauer Fired!

Maga. Easy way to support trump

New Trump golf hats $32
New Trump gold plated ( junk ) coin bank $25

Yep MAGA. Made in Bangladesh and China. Gotta love his support of American workers.

Gotta love a man who puts self before nation.

Blow him a kiss for his ability to maximize profits. We have major MAGA going on.

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Maga. Easy way to support trump

What? Anybody Heard of this; Youtube Pedo Scandal

Indeed...Ever seen any of 'Jake's work? ...Not 100% sold on All his posturings on All topics, but.. guy is a 'PI', and does-do quite a bit of 'boots on the ground' investigative work (ie: his Vegas-narrative-series..) and is actually an 'activist' - that actually Does stuff (ie: incredible work 'trapping' a pedo / predator, that resulted in LEOs taking action on the filth.. ..But...

...'Fair warning' - Since his original exposé on that all was nuked by 'Censortube', he put the original one up - 'uncut' - on his '' account, and.. I suggest making sure you watch it Only when you're - right afterwards - able to go to your Range / go fire off a few hundred rounds, etc (...or, at Least chop a cord of wood or batting-cages or something..) cause.. you Will wanna 'break some ****' after watching it.. SO Infurating... >_<


PS - I've also really enjoyed many of This little Lady's pieces.. Well researched, and I think she has Excellent logical development in many of her presentations.. And this piece (same topic...) I thought, was no exception..: ...makes ya wanna Chk-CHKK!!

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What? Anybody Heard of this; Youtube Pedo Scandal

What have you been putting off?

I don't think NK is a serious threat, but I like taking opportunities to reflect:

1. I have lidocane jell, but it expires. The powdered stuff lasts forever.
It's a local anesthetic, and is completely unregulated.
I've been meaning to buy a few hundred dollars worth, but haven't yet.

2. I haven't got a farm (fuel) tank (I actually want 2, so one stays full at all times.) I've not been seriously looking and have been looking here and there for 'a good deal'
When prices went up.... the savings I didn't get would of gone a long way towards paying for a tank.
-like #1, I have quite a bit in jugs/cans.... and it's been my excuse/reason not to 'hurry it up' and be what I'd consider "fully prepped"
Also been trying to save more, and do not spend...

Time to go ahead and spend the money.

Please feel free to share.
By sharing we may find more holes in our own preps...

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What have you been putting off?

Recommendations for Survival School in Malaysia / Indonesia?

Hello everyone!

Newly domiciled in Singapore I am looking for a jungle survival / bushcraft training in the vicinity, i.e. ideally Malaysia, but possibly also Indonesia. Does anyone have recommendations on a trustworthy survival school/trainer in this neck of the woods?

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated!!!



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Recommendations for Survival School in Malaysia / Indonesia?

Is there any interest in an air rifle group?

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Put it under the firearms section. Anybody?

Is there any interest in an air rifle group?

mardi 28 novembre 2017

My slam fire .410

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Here is the .410 I built from hardware store parts of the slamfire design. I had to make an extension on the barrel pipe because my local stores only...

My slam fire .410


[QUOTE=Pabstman;16798034]I was wondering, Up in the north (mi) if you were to dig a pit say 4.5 Ft deep, (below the frost line) dry stack a perimeter wall with CMU block. Install styrofoam sheeting against the outside of the block and put a greenhouse over it would the heat from the ground be enough to heat the greenhouse?[/QUOTE

Where in Michigan?

I doubt it would "heat" it, but if you insulated it well, insulated the ground around it(unpacked snow would work) and double glazed it the hole may get into the 60's in the day and the mid 40's at night. Southern MI may get warmer. I am basing this guess off of digging graves in the late fall when the frost is only about 3-4 inches deep.

You could warm it more by digging it a bit deeper and filling the bottom with a mix of straw and manure then soil on top of that. The manure decomposing will create heat. I think the idea is called a hot box or hot frame.

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Are YouTube Gun Channels past their prime

I remember a few years ago people, the gun community could NOT get enough of the “Gun Channels” on YouTube. *It was a GREAT time to be on YouTube but over the past maybe 2 years, they seem to have lost their sparkle. I still have my channel though I never spent enough time on[.....]

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Are YouTube Gun Channels past their prime

Dan Wesson Pointman Engraved 1911 45 ACP


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Dan Wesson Pointman Engraved 1911 45 ACP

Are Sionics AR15s any good?

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I know thier just another AR15 but im curious how they compare to SOLGW,BCM,Spikes etc? I like the price point but cant find very many reviews...

Are Sionics AR15s any good?

Hello from Nevada

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Hi everyone. I'm hoping to gain some knowledge and meet some like-minded people. :)

Hello from Nevada

The Colt Frontier Scout 22 Magnum in 5 Photos

Introduced in 1957, the Colt Frontier Scout was a single action revolver aimed at satisfying Americans’ hunger for the Old West. Ruger’s Single Six had hit the ground running when it had come out a few years earlier, and Colt wanted to get in on that action. While their price was higher than Ruger’s, Colt[.....]

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The Colt Frontier Scout 22 Magnum in 5 Photos

Massive Florida Hog Meets Spear

Three men and a woman ran across the grassy field, the darkness around them complete but for the moving beams of their headlamps and spotlight. On they ran, towards the sound of barking dogs and grunting hogs. The woman carried a spear with a long wooden handle and a mean-looking black steel blade. Two of[.....]

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Massive Florida Hog Meets Spear

bernie sanders


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bernie sanders

Watch: Cherokee Bowmaker Richard Fields

This is an interesting little video. It features an Oklahoma Cherokee who learned bowmaking from his cousin and got hooked on it. These days, he even teaches others how to find the right tree, split the wood, and whittle it down to form a wooden bow. I’m a happy-go-lucky guy, I have a lot of[.....]

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Watch: Cherokee Bowmaker Richard Fields

Daniel Defense DDM4 V7S SBR 5.56 NATO Rifle from $1313


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Daniel Defense DDM4 V7S SBR 5.56 NATO Rifle from $1313

Could there be such a thing as mslm preppers?


Originally Posted by wtr100View Post

Seems to me since at their core they’re a seventh century death cult that they could be one or the other but not really both - thoughts?

Why would they prep when they can blow themselves up, killing others and get house full of virgins for eternity?

No reason to prep.....


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Could there be such a thing as mslm preppers?

Trump disrespects veterans and humiliates America....again.

Wasn't the right setting or time for it - for any joke really. A lot of codetalkers died in WWII. IIRC, one of the men who raised the flag at Iwo Jima was Native, but I don't recall which tribe.

Having said that, did anyone in the press ask any of the Navajo veterans present how they felt about it? Or did they just assume they were offended? Did anyone ask how they felt about Warren's claim of being Native American? Maybe they were offended by that too.

Native Americans are people. They have opinions of their own, and they have the right to speak them (or not) without anyone rushing to use them as a "victim" for political gain.

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Trump disrespects veterans and humiliates America....again.

After SHTF: Finding isolated, weak, or needy prepper/survivalists

Obviously many of us are starting groups or finding people to work with. Just thinking, though, that most people are supposed to be prepping on their own, and feeling a little sorry for them.

Let's say you yourself prepped really well, possibly with a team, and you made it through the first tough weeks or months after an event. Things have gotten calmer outside.

How, then, can we find the people who prepped, but a lot less well than you did. The people we never have met or contacted, who put a few hundred or thousand dollars into prepping/survivalism, did an alright job of that, and who also got through those first weeks or months--

--but whose prospects of doing much after that by themselves aren't that good? Like, scattered individual families across your county, state, or a neighboring state, the last survivors in their towns.

Won't some kind of radio scanner let you find frequencies that people are using? After the number of bad guys has lessened, should we all be spending some time on daily broadcasts, a la 28 Days Later or I am Legend? Drone scouting? Signals?

How to do it safely, effectively, efficiently?

Or should we not even try to find these people?

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After SHTF: Finding isolated, weak, or needy prepper/survivalists

Need help to identify.

I've either found my everyday carry knife or next piece of my collection. Got it at a flea mkt but no clue on its origin. When open, it reminds me of a dive knife for scuba. I forgot to measure but about 5" closed. It's a pretty big folder. Any ideas? Virtually no markings.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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Need help to identify.

lundi 27 novembre 2017

Mailing a gun


Originally Posted by GuntoteninfadelView Post

pretty sure you cant "declare" it as a gun. smith and Wesson sent mine to me via fed ex when it went if for repairs.

You can legally mail it directly to/receive it from the maker or a gunsmith.

You can also mail it to yourself.

If you really want to push it.... there's the whole intrastate thing, but I'm not talking about that.

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Mailing a gun

Considering a investment property

I would not withdraw your 401k due to taxes/early withdraw fees taking a good chunk of your money.

You could take a loan from it most 401ks for 5 years or so. So for profit sake it would be a matter of which one had less fees/lower interest. When choosing 401k vs equity.

For me personally the wife and I agree that we would never use our house as collateral for buying rental properties (we have 4). So worse case scenario if everything went to crap we would still have a roof over our head. As a prepper I think this would make sense to most people here.

A few thoughts for renting.

We dont rent to family or friends they seem to screw you over without a 2nd thought. Since they know you they figure you will understand when they wanted to buy X instead of pay rent.

In case your son does not end up buying the place or rent for the 3 plus years you where figuring what would be your other options?

Best of luck in your investment.

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Considering a investment property

Need a bit of direction

PostNeed a bit of direction

I have an excellent idea for a new trigger system for pistols. It would change the market as we know it today. I know it works the models all are 100% functional. my issue is i don't know where to go from here. I gather i will need atf approval. but i also thing i probably should patent this idea before i submit it to anyone so i can protect my work. i guess the ultimate question is, has anyone ever tried to go through the patent process? how the hell do you get the forms to do it?

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Need a bit of direction


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OK conspiracy peeps who has seen this one? I just saw this recently and find it odd it shows up now. Maybe I'm just behind the times. It is kind of...


preppers dumping gold for bitcoin


I think you are missing the value of both gold and crypto currency. Neither of which are going to be too handy for purchasing ammo with during the event of your nightmares. It has more to do with portability, deflationary nature, divisibility, incorruptibility, fungibility, etc.

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preppers dumping gold for bitcoin

AR15 in 7.62x39 questions

DefaultAR15 in 7.62x39 questions

I have a chance to buy a AR 15 in 7.62x39. Hand built. dont know the fine details the guy is going to text me later tonight with those. All new parts never been fired. So a couple questions. I found on the internet alot of old threads about them but as we sit right now Dec. Of 2017. (1)Have the issues with feeding from mags and light primer strikes etc. been resolved .(2) if the 762 upper does not work or I dont like it how hard would it be to swap it out for a .223 upper. What other parts would need replacing to do this? I am new to ARs and looking to jump on the band wagon. Btw asking price is $500 out the door. Thanks, Sod Buster

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AR15 in 7.62x39 questions

Are any of the Gravity water systems worth it?

Hi all,

Over the past 4 months I’ve been trying to find the best water filter for my family & settled on gravity based water filter systems because of their usefulness in survival situations (no need for electricity) & no water waste like RO systems. Like numerous posts I’ve read on various sites, I have become frustrated with the lack of transparency & trustability related to the effectiveness of the products that are out there. At this point, I don't know which to trust or if I should buy any of these systems. The only way I’m going to be sure that any of these systems do what they say they do is to have the output water of each of the systems tested & compare the results. I would fund all the costs & then you could go to a website to purchase the results. The results would show Los Angeles tap water compared to the filtered output of the Berkey, Propur & Aquarain systems. Would you be willing to pay $5 for the test results?

If you wouldn’t mind making a selection in the associated poll, I would greatly appreciate it. Feel free to leave any other comments or suggestions as well. I’m also interested to hear if anyone has ever tested the water from any of the gravity based systems themselves (I know about the tests done by Mike Adams/Water Filter Labs but don’t trust them much due to potential conflicts of interest & the fact they didn’t track the performance over time). I am not affiliated with any of these companies & my only motive is to see which one (if any) of these systems are truly worth it.

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Are any of the Gravity water systems worth it?

Alabama's New Dark Horse: Lee Busby.

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Retired Marine Colonel Lee Busby feels that Alabama...

Alabama's New Dark Horse: Lee Busby.

"Smilax rotundifolia" aka 'Greenbrier'

I decided to reprise an experiment I started two years ago of growing 'greenbrier' as part of my edible forest garden. A couple of years ago, after reading on Green Deane's site that Smilax would grow as a semi-erect shrub I planted a small portion of root that Fall. The next Spring it sent up a tendril and a couple of leaves and seemed to be coming along, if somewhat slowly. An unfortunate incident involving adult beverages and a weedeater ended the experiment.
Last week I dug up a couple of plants and planted them in my yard.

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"Smilax rotundifolia" aka 'Greenbrier'

Stephen Williford - hero of


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Stephen Williford - hero of

Flamethrower with user friendly Napalm Mix


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Flamethrower with user friendly Napalm Mix

Racing anyone?


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Racing anyone?

CCTV Power source

I've just received my wireless CCTV camera setup.
I'd loved to have gone wired. But right now wireless will have to do.

I'm needing to run the cameras of batteries. But I want to solar charge the batteries rather than taking them down to charge them.

Is it as simple as getting a solar panel and plug in/attach it to the battery. Then battery to camera?

Or is there more to it?

All help is appreciated as I don't want to fry my cameras

Thanks all

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CCTV Power source

dimanche 26 novembre 2017

Do Candles Ever Expire?

That is a good question, one which I'd never really thought about.

My first instinct would be to assume that paraffin wax wouldn't have an expiration, though beeswax might. Honey doesn't, though, so I don't know.

Some quick first-page result Google-fu has differing opinions on it. A common one I came across is that since paraffin is a petroleum byproduct it has a similar shelf life to "treated" kerosene (whatever that means). Others say it lasts indefinitely. Anyone know?


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Do Candles Ever Expire?

Defense of BOL Against Siege/Snipers/Bandits

DefaultDefense of BOL Against Siege/Snipers/Bandits

Well we have a thread going about siege's. Thought maybe a good idea to see folks plans to defend against bandits, snipers and how to break a siege. Keep in mind in a collapse, lets say an EMP there will be shortage of fuel. Or a general full economic collapse many in the cities won't make it out because in 3 days the rioting will close most avenues of escape. Anyway what are your plans. You could be in the mountains maybe the desert or the American Redoubt. How will you deal with a siege if you are in a hardened bunker or just an average American standard type home.

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Defense of BOL Against Siege/Snipers/Bandits

How I Get a Lifetime Supply of Free Targets

We all need targets. Likewise, every dollar we save on targets, is a dollar towards new guns and ammo. My simple method is this.

Firstly, ink. Ink is the crutch that stops us from just printing cool targets. Ink is not expensive. Filling your own ink cartridge is stupid easy. Peel the sticker off the cartridge, drill a small hole in the top, inject ink. You're done. I picked up a 4 oz. bottle of black ink on Ebay for $8 with a drill bit and a syringe. I have filled my cartridge 8-9 times and my bottle is still 2/3 full. Each fill gives me several hundred targets.

Then, visit is site like, and find a target you like. Now you get targets, on tap, for the price of printer paper. With the recent closure of Gander Mt., I picked up 12 huge packs of heavy gauge paper for fliers, for $1 apiece.

Even buying full price paper, you can have any target design for about $.01 apiece. The newbies can keep their fancy targets that cost $1.50 apiece.

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How I Get a Lifetime Supply of Free Targets

Bah! Humbug!

Christmas--the quiet and generous Christmas of my youth---has been hyped out of all recognition.

It is now being promoted as the Holiday of the Century.

I had to go to the store today, and the hype and blast is simply overwhelming.

Christmas is no longer a holiday. It's become an ASSAULT!

It's now being pushed in stores even before Halloween. It used to be that Christmas decorations and displays didn't go up until after Thanksgiving.

It seems that the retailers are afraid that people aren't going to spend enough on presents and gifts.

The message is pushed--that if you don't spend, and spend freely, you can't have a happy Christmas.

I've got a friend who works in a lumber yard. His wife is a waitress. They spent over $5000 last year on Christmas presents. And still haven't paid off the bills.

As early as September, I'm receiving credit card offers in the mail. Offering 6 months free interest on all Christmas purchases.

I've got neighbors who spend thousands of $$$ decorating their homes for the season. One guy I know shelled out over $8000 to have lights put up on his house. And this was even before Thanksgiving.

Oh and also---he didn't put them up himself. You can actually hire companies now that will plan and put up your exterior Christmas decorations.

You can buy various "themes" for your home display: traditional, New Wave,---even 70's disco.

What do others think? Am I turning into a Scrooge?

Thoughts? Opinions?

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Bah! Humbug!

key ring fobs


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key ring fobs

10 Apocalypses that we survived

. . . so, an equivalent term for an Apocalypse is "a great cleansing".

Either allowing only those with the strongest immunity systems in the flu and black death or intelligence in the natural disasters.

We do need to put our gean pool on the spin cycle to get rid of some of the stupid.

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10 Apocalypses that we survived

Thank god Trump was lying.


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Thank god Trump was lying.