samedi 25 novembre 2017

Had a Negligent Discharge yesterday...

As I write this I feel like a real POS. Embarrassed, humiliated, guilt beyond belief and I accept total responsibility. I have always felt there is no excuse for an ND.

I will turn 60 in January and have been around guns most of my life. Safety has been drilled into me since I was first introduced to firearms. Anyone who knows me would say that I am a safety conscious guy in everything I do...hell I'm even a Motorcycle Safety Instructor.

I returned home after running some errands (and stopping by the LGS of course). I unholstered my Springfield XD Mod 2 that I use for my everyday carry and and my usual sequence is make sure I have the weapon pointed in a safe direction, drop the mag, rack the slide to remove the chambered round, visually inspect the chamber, release the slide home and pull the trigger to decock. I have had this particular weapon about two years and have done this hundreds of times.

I was tired, and have been under a lot of stress due to my aging Mom and family matters. Complacency, familiarity,lack of attention to the task at hand all played a part.

Right now I am still so shaken I'm not sure what went wrong in my sequence of unloading and making it safe. Thank God I did have it pointed in a safe direction, the only casualty being my kitchen double pane sliding glass door shattered, I had the weapon pointed towards the bottom of the door at the deck outside.

My wife was in the living room and came running in sure that I was dead. My ears were ringing and I was stunned. After she realized I was Ok I took quite the verbal beating. She is not really a gun person but has never been bothered that I am...until this happened.

After the verbal beating now she is not talking to me. In her rage yesterday after it happened she told me she wanted me to sell all my guns. I told her "That's not going to happen" when I probably should have just kept my mouth shut.

My question is this...what can I do to bring her around?

I was thinking about enrolling myself in the NRA basic pistol course again...not just to appease her but to reinforce my safety skills and maybe share my much as it would embarrass me.

Right now I am still trying to find a way to deal with my low self esteem after this...

Maybe someone can help me with this?

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Had a Negligent Discharge yesterday...

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