jeudi 23 novembre 2017

What disaster would it take for you to except world government?

There is nothing that would cause me to accept a one world government. I am sure there are things that would cause many Americans to not only accept it, but welcome it. But each and every one of those that I can envision leave the door wide open to the rest of us to recreate and improve what was created in the late 1700s here on the North American Continent.

While the attempt will be made, it will not be successful, due to the actions of the few, in spite of many, with the overwhelming majority of Americans simply keeping their heads down and trying to feed, shelter, and protect themselves and their families.

It took only a few people with the will to fight and live free to throw off the chains of tyranny back then, fighting against the most powerful nation on earth at the time, with what they had in their homes.

The same, or similar, will happen again, I believe.

Just my opinion.

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What disaster would it take for you to except world government?

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