dimanche 26 novembre 2017

How to find preppers after SHTF

Obviously many of us are starting groups or finding people. Just thinking, though, that most people are supposed to be prepping on their own, and feeling a little sorry for them.

Let's say you prepped really well, possibly with a team, and you made it through the first tough weeks or months. Things are calmer outside. How, then, can we find the people who put a few thousand dollars into it, did an alright job of that, and who also got through those first weeks or months- but whose prospects of doing much after that by themselves aren't that good? Like, scattered individual families across your county, state, or a neighboring state, the last survivors in their towns?

Won't some kind of radio scanner let you find frequencies that people are using? After the number of bad guys has lessened, should we all be spending some time on daily broadcasts, a la 28 Days Later or I am Legend? Drone scouting? Signals?

Or should we not even try to find these people?

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How to find preppers after SHTF

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