mardi 28 octobre 2014

Best advice you ever received, or wishes you had listened too

Whether it is prepping, non prepping, financial, craft/skills, marital......etc.,

What is the best advise you were ever given, who provided it, and how did it benefit you?

For me.... without a doubt it is this:

A friend told me once that before he ever made an important decision he would do these things:

Think about it analytically as if he were making the decision for a friend

Pray about it and ask for God's guidance

Discuss it openly and candidly with his wife

I cannot tell you how many times this has helped me with making a decision. I have always felt a peace about it. Another benefit, it exercised my faith, and improved communication and trust in my marriage.

I wish I had taken that advice many years before, but more than likely I wasn't listening.


Best advice you ever received, or wishes you had listened too

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